messybuu's Articles » Page 3
November 29, 2004 by messybuu
Something I just realized awhile ago: many liberals insist that Jesus freaks won Bush the election because moral values was a choice many voted for Bush, and moral values obviously meant religious faith even though religious faith was also an option in exit polls. So, moral values equate to religious values, but then they turn around and say that moral values are not dependent on religion and that they can stem from humanistic sources. So, on one hand, moral values stand for religious values, bu...
November 28, 2004 by messybuu
Phrases such as "In God We Trust" and "Under God" don't bother most of us, but that's because most of us are ignorant bumpkins who want to turn the nation into a theocracy. That's why I shall look through the eyes of an enlightened one to understand why the United States of America needs to change from its theocratic ways. In the Mind of an Enlightened One We're not unreasonable because we demand that all religious symbols be removed from the government. No, we're only unreasonabl...
November 20, 2004 by messybuu
After reviewing some bookmarks to check if any CDs came out, I found something shocking! Trent Reznor has some nerve to talk about corporate greed winning the election! But what should I expect from somebody whose entire CDs consist of whining (not that I don’t love them)? Anyway, after reading Trent’s reaction to Bush’s victory, I wanted to check Shirley Manson’s reaction on the official website of her wonderful band, garbage . Here’s what she wrote near the end of the election: Of cours...
November 19, 2004 by messybuu
I don’t like instant messaging. Sure, it provides the convenience of the telephone in that I don’t have to wear clothes, but like the telephone, it’s a small comfort eclipsed by many irritations. As with the phone, when I’m in a conversation with somebody, it requires a chunk of my attention and time. It’s great to talk to people, but I’d rather have conversations be occasional random thoughts than entire scripts of dialog, but my friends on my contact lists prefer the latter. Not to be mean,...
November 14, 2004 by messybuu
On Friday, after much deliberation, I bought Everquest 2 . I bought the Collector's Edition. That's the version that costs $90 ! I'm not an Everquest addict either. Although I liked Everquest , I didn't love it. I wasn't highly anticipating Everquest 2 either. No, what compelled me to buy it was that it was a collector's edition ! I also purchased Halo 2 for exactly the same reason. To the corporations producing a collector's edition of every product they have: You're welcome.
November 5, 2004 by messybuu
The youth of America pierced the soul of the Media Tuesday when they collectively gathered not to vote . Everybody expected the youth to vote in huge numbers giving Kerry a landslide victory because of the many MTV advertisements featuring misogynistic P. Diddy and woman-hating Eminem, but not only did they not vote for Kerry, they didn't vote at all! Thank you, American Youth! You proved Tuesday that you think for yourself and will not let the Media hoard you around like sheep!
November 5, 2004 by messybuu
The aftermath of the presidential election flows with the bitter rage of the Kerry supporters. Many Democrats thankfully accept the loss with grace, but some, many of whom claimed patriotism, demean the majority of Americans, wish pestilence upon the nation, and ready for Canada (as they always do when they lose an election). Meanwhile, most supporters of Bush (in my biased opinion) do not gloat excessively, and instead show joy with silent grins as they listen to the rantings of disillusione...
November 2, 2004 by messybuu
I'm afraid John F. Kerry will win the presidential election tomorrow. However, even the victory of a terrible candidate brings with it benefits to the nation, so if he wins tomorrow night, I won't kill myself or move to Canada as Democrat threaten to do if Bush wins again. Instead, I'll swear for a few minutes and then laugh it off as I acknowledge the positive aspects of a Kerry victory: The populace will no longer see Heinz Corporation as a ketchup company, but as a corrupt multinational ...
October 26, 2004 by messybuu
Many people believe abortion is wrong, but should remain legal. Despite seeing it as murder, they don't think it should be banned. This is especially true with Catholics, as many of them want to vote for Kerry, and therefore must rationalize Kerry's support for abortion, which the Catholic Church deems as murder. Sure, there are third-party candidates for whom they could vote with a clear conscience, but they'd prefer to vote for the lesser of two evils than somebody they actually support. That...
October 26, 2004 by messybuu
In 2000, many Democrats accused Bush of stealing the presidential election because the Supreme Court of the United States would not allow infinite recounts to take place in selective counties in Florida. The Democrats still complain to this day that Bush stole the election. The election of 2004 is sure to be close. It'll be so close that recounts are inevitable. If Kerry wins, will the Democrats fight for the right of Bush to have infinite recounts in counties he lost? If Kerry wins, will the D...
October 19, 2004 by messybuu
How am I supposed to watch the Daily Show? Is it a show that's purely for entertainment purposes? If so, then I feel prudish for being offended by its liberal slant. As a Christian who laughs when South Park is blasphemous, I shouldn't be offended as a Republican when the Daily Show pokes fun at Republicans. If the show's solely comedy, then it's no different than Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update. Or is it a show that conveys a critical message about the Media (i.e. when it edits news ...
October 12, 2004 by messybuu
Stripping. It's one of the many noble professions for a woman. I'm not being sarcastic about that either. Stripping is a very beautiful form of art that is both erotic and tasteful. It's also one of the few art forms that actually pay well, which is why many women are able to pay their college fees by stripping. But does it pay well enough for the majority of strippers? According to a source involved in the stripping business, many strippers resort to selling sex in order to purchase drugs or...
October 8, 2004 by messybuu
After seeing commercials about Prop 68 and Prop 70, I decided to see what those propositions would really do to California. What I immediately noticed is that the propositions were opposed by the League of Women Voters . I'm happy that there are groups out there trying to persuade more women to vote, but to speak for them, it's as though they're implying that women lack the ability to speak for themselves individually. Same with the NAACP acting as the representatives of all black people...
October 7, 2004 by messybuu
I no longer care who wins the presidential election anymore. Destiny's Child, Eminem, Gwen Stefani, and Garbage, my favorite band (along with the Cure), are all releasing awesome CDs near the end of the year, right in time for my birthday! The samples I've already heard from the first three have already convinced me to purchase their CDs as soon as they are released ! I swear, the only way that this holiday season can improve is if I finally become a Super Saiyan that has reached a level of pow...
October 6, 2004 by messybuu
In November, the ultimate battle between good and evil will take place. John F. Kerry, our Lord and Savior, will do battle with George W. Bush, the ultimat existence of evil, in an election that shall decide the future of humanity. If Bush wins, then the world will suffer four more years of relatively low unemployment, a Christian President with a Texan accent and wild daughters, ridicule by pompous European nations, and Michael Moore movies. A victory for Kerry will change all that... Kerry ...