I won't move to Canada even if Kerry wins.
Published on November 2, 2004 By messybuu In Politics

I'm afraid John F. Kerry will win the presidential election tomorrow. However, even the victory of a terrible candidate brings with it benefits to the nation, so if he wins tomorrow night, I won't kill myself or move to Canada as Democrat threaten to do if Bush wins again. Instead, I'll swear for a few minutes and then laugh it off as I acknowledge the positive aspects of a Kerry victory:

  1. The populace will no longer see Heinz Corporation as a ketchup company, but as a corrupt multinational corporation stealing resources from third world countries.
  2. The euphoria of the Democrats will fade and give way to the biggest disillusionment ever to suffer the Democrat Party, parallel with the shame a girl would feel with sleeping with a creep to make her ex-boyfriend jealous.
  3. Whiney Democrats won't have excuses to bitch anymore.
  4. A Republican victory will be inevitable in 2008.
  5. Michael Moore will fade into obscurity.

It is possible the next four years will turn out well, but it won't be because of Kerry, who intends to damage the nation with his idiotic plans, such as reviving the economy with a tax increase (Although Democrats believe that more taxes lead to a stronger economy, citing Clinton's success, they completely fail to acknowledge the dot-com boom of the nineties because they either failed Economics in high school were baked then).

If Kerry wins, I'll accept it and not demand infinite recounts twisted to my favor, because besides ethics, I'll know he won't win another election, unless the Republican Party goes Democrat and elects some terrible Kerry-like candidate for 2008 since Republicans aren't as likely to settle with the lesser of two evils as Democrats are due to their higher standards and realization that the President doesn't have control over the entire nation.

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on Nov 02, 2004
The euphoria of the Democrats will fade and give way to the biggest disillusionment ever to suffer the Democrat Party, parallel with the shame a girl would feel with sleeping with a creep to make her ex-boyfriend jealous.

Gotta love that one.

on Nov 02, 2004
Actully, according to IMDB, Mikey Moore is already working on next movie. *shudder*
on Nov 02, 2004
I somehow doubt that Moore would fade into obscurity. He has expressed a lot of dissatisfaction with the Democrats. I think we would see Moore turn to arguing in favour of a turn away from the two horse race.

I do not however at al agree that Kerry will win. Australia's polls said the Libs and Labor were 50/50 and that turned out to be so far from the mark it's depressing. Bush will romp home as all conservative Governments who go to war do. In spite of hatred towards Margaret Thatcher, she went to war and in an instant secured her longevity as PM of Britain. Bush has done the same. People will protest the war as much as they like, but they still see war as a strength. It is a strange and stupid aspect of many voters. They forget that if Bush weren't President in the first place there wouldn't be a war, and without Bush winning, there won't be another silly war launched.
on Nov 02, 2004
Psh, and there would be more attacks on this country, especally if Kerry gets elected. It was because of how Clinton delt with the terrorist that resulted in 9/11, and if Bush hadn't won the election, I could personally imagine more and more attacks happening.
on Nov 02, 2004
Messy Buu:

Just for the record, let's say Kerry wins, the deficit drops and we get back on an even keel with employment rising and healthcare dealt with so that the number of uninsured Americans drops in half.

Would you then vote for Kerry in 2008? I'm not saying that all these things are guaranteed, but those would be goals if Kerry is reelected.
on Nov 02, 2004
The inevitable result of Kerry's tax increases, mandatory student service (draft) and health policies would be rationaing of health care, increased unemployment, increased deficits and lower economic growth. Add to this the impact of allowing the UN to dictate our policies on the environment and timidity in foreign affairs, and it'll be Jimmy Carter all over again. I see 7 to 8% unemployment under a Kerry administration.

I pledge, if Kerry is elected, to hold his feet to the fire, criticize his every move, and give him 4 years of the hell that the left has unleashed on Bush.
on Nov 02, 2004
VOx Populi---right on, i'm with you.
on Nov 02, 2004
I am not an American but I can't imagine anyone voting for G. Bush. You americans don't realize what damage he has brought on your people for which you will be paying for a long time to come. I am not a muslim fundamentalist, I don't even like them, but I'm sorry to say that Bush has with his imbecility has stirred a hornets nest without having any knowledge of international knowledge. I feel USA needs not a politician as its President but a statesman who can lead them along.
on Nov 02, 2004
Vox Populi:

When Clinton was elected all I heard was your rhetoric. However, I don't remember that 8 years later when we had the best economy in history and a surplus hearing the right singing his praises. I assume after giving Mr. Kerry hot feet you wouldn't be afraid to admit you were wrong, would you?
on Nov 02, 2004
However, I don't remember that 8 years later when we had the best economy in history and a surplus hearing the right singing his praises.

I call BULLSHIT!! The initial boom for Clinton came from the last economic policies George HW Bush enacted and the dot.com bubble plus a FISCALLY responsible Republican House and Senate. Go crawl back in a hole again, CrispE, so if Kerry becomes President you can hide from the truth!!

on Nov 02, 2004

Oh right.... Clinton "inherits" a 400 billion dollar deficit projection for 1993 and YOU think that was a "boon"? Or do you remember what people said when Clinton got tax increases in 1993? The right claimed we would have the biggest depression in history, calling it a total dismantling of the Reagan years.

But, oh yes, we came outin 2000 with a BETTER economy than 1992 and a surplus. Now Grim, which part of 1995-2000 do you think George Bush deserves total credit for?

on Nov 02, 2004
I'm an American and I disagree with your foreign opinion...like it or not. The reputation of the United States of America has not been damaged by Bush, no one man can damage something so great and something as large as this nation.

You sir, need to get out more often. First time I was in France, I was welcomed into peoples(strangers) homes. Last time only my actuall friends didn't look at me like I was a zit.
on Nov 02, 2004
Just for the record, let's say Kerry wins, the deficit drops and we get back on an even keel with employment rising and healthcare dealt with so that the number of uninsured Americans drops in half.

The deficit will drop, since Congress will still be republican. Health care will not change, since it is not a crises now (Course 101: How to make stats lie for you). And Kerry will drag us down as he is a complete and utter buffoon when it comes to governance.

But good hypothetical question, even if a snowball has a better chance in hell.
on Nov 02, 2004
I am not an American but I can't imagine anyone voting for G. Bush. You americans don't realize what damage he has brought on your people for which you will be paying for a long time to come. I am not a muslim fundamentalist, I don't even like them, but I'm sorry to say that Bush has with his imbecility has stirred a hornets nest without having any knowledge of international knowledge. I feel USA needs not a politician as its President but a statesman who can lead them along.

Your ignorance of Bush is overwhelming, and is the reason most of us dont give a rat's ass what the rest of the world thinks of us. If the UN was not such a corrupt incompetant organization, we would not need to smack the bullies down. They would do it. But you will just bitch and moan, and complain, and not do anything, but slam those who do.

Let me Guess: Neville Chamberlain is your hero right?
on Nov 02, 2004
Oh right.... Clinton "inherits" a 400 billion dollar deficit projection for 1993 and YOU think that was a "boon"? Or do you remember what people said when Clinton got tax increases in 1993? The right claimed we would have the biggest depression in history, calling it a total dismantling of the Reagan years.

But, oh yes, we came outin 2000 with a BETTER economy than 1992 and a surplus. Now Grim, which part of 1995-2000 do you think George Bush deserves total credit for?

I dislike the fact that the Fiscally responsible Republicans became Fiscally irresponsible after 9/11/2001 and that is what has shooed me off from the party, that and the fact they have started to embrace the Christian agenda...HELLO, Freaking Occultist here, we put up with more religious intolerance than other religions.

Clinton DID NOT, I reiterate again DID NOT make the economy or break the economy, the Federal Reserve has more power than a President over the economy and thought you as an educated individual would know that, I thought wrong. Surplus, seriously CrispE you do know they were "projected" surpluses not "actual" surpluses and it was caused by Congress more than the President sitting in that office and even today Congress causes the deficit or surplus BECAUSE THEY MAKE THE BUDGET.

Seriously, CrispE I consider you an informed individual but on this situation I don't know what happened. I don't believe the deficit will drop with either Bush or Kerry because of Congress, main reason Badnarik has on his website: See Bush Spend, Spend Bush Spend! See Kerry Spend, Spend Kerry Spend!!


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