messybuu's Articles » Page 5
August 6, 2004 by messybuu
Here's a simply question: Why is it that John F. Kerry is praised for the atrocities he committed in Vietnam, yet Lyndie England is chastised severely for the atrocities she committed in Iraq? I’ve thought about this for some time, and I still can’t find the answer. Is it because she’s a) a woman, female, or c) not a man? Personally, I think that if John F. Kerry’s status as a war criminal makes him worthy of the title of President, the same should hold true for all war criminals, even if the...
July 28, 2004 by messybuu
After watching The Daily Show today, I learned that George W. Bush really is a uniter and not a divider. During Jon Stewart's interview Jon with a Democrat senator, the senator stated that Democrats are now united. When Jon asks why, only one name comes to the senator’s mind: not John Kerry’s, John Edward’s, or Howard Dean’s. According to senator, the man responsible for the unity of the Democrats is George W. Bush. Next time somebody tells you that George W. Bush is a divider, remind them th...
July 23, 2004 by messybuu
Ignoring my priorities as I tend to do, I logged onto Yahoo! Chat this week to waste some precious time by annoying some people I knew on religious chat rooms of MSN Chat . I've patronized religious chat rooms for over half a decade and my routine of trolling others hasn't changed. I might have switched teams, but I still remain true to the time-tested insults I used when I still attended high school. Some might say that I've overdrawn my act, but I'm not the one who hasn't changed. Religiou...
July 21, 2004 by messybuu
Many liberals seem to think that it was wrong for the Aladdin to exile Linda Ronstandt from the resort for her controversial statements. Sure, she insulted Las Vegas and the Aladdin as well as expressed controversial political beliefs at a time when she was supposed to entertain people, but because she showed support for filmmaker Michael Moore, some people think that escorting her off the premises with no plan to invite her back was an unethical act of censorship. After all, when you hire someb...
July 21, 2004 by messybuu
Ever since , the greatest website in existence, shut down, David Wong's Pointless Waste of Time has attempted to fill the hole left in my heart with little success. However, one of his recent articles has flooded that void with insight and laughter. In this article, he wrote about something that affects all conscious life in the universe: the Monkeysphere . I'd describe it, but it'd be better if you simply read the article.
July 15, 2004 by messybuu
Lately, I've noticed much venom from the anti-war people concerning the war and occupation in Iraq. I understand their frustration with the lack of WMD stockpiles. It's completely valid to say that Bush exagerated the Iraqi threat. However, I don't understand what compels them to treat the war and occupation as a dismal failure, a complete mistake, inhumane, something that should have never happened, etc. The way they speak of the war and occupation leads me to believe that they want Iraq to ...
July 12, 2004 by messybuu
Bizarro is back and now he's more powerful than ever! The insanity approaches at a devastating rate in anticipation of the most important election in history, which will decide whether Bush is reelected and liberals furiously exodus to Canada or a relative of his takes office and liberals cheer orgasmically at the minute change. This time, there's double the stupidity! AIDS is not a gay disease nor does it only affect homosexuals, but Reagan was homophobic for not prioritizing the fight to ...
June 14, 2004 by messybuu
Recently, I purchased Final Fantasy XI , an MMORPG, for the PC and the Playstation 2 . I enjoy it, despite having to pay thirteen dollars each month to play it. I also purchased Everquest , so now I have two MMORPGs to play and twenty-six dollars to spend to play them each month! There are many more MMORPGs out there, and I'd like to try them all, but sadly, seeing as I have no job, I will not be enough to pay for many more MMORPGs. Still, is there an MMORPG out there that I definitely nee...
June 12, 2004 by messybuu
Many people are blaming Reagan for deaths of many people because there were things he could have done differently during his presidency. There are many things he could have done better, and I'm positive he'd be the first to admit that he wasn't the perfect president, but there is something that one must remember: Hindsight is 20/20. That is all.
June 7, 2004 by messybuu
There have been many posts recently concerning online pedophilia. These posts have me wondering, among other things, what constitutes pedophilia. I hope that somebody out there can answer the questions I have, despite how controversial they may be. For those of you that consider it pedophilia when an adult attempts to have sex with a fourteen-year-old, what do you think of Canada, which allows adults to have sexual relationships with fourteen-year-olds? Do you consider Canada to be legalizing p...
June 6, 2004 by messybuu
Once again, members of have shown that they are complete idiots in their outrage over a company's decision to block websites that contain child pornography. What's funny is that they justify their outrage by pretending this will lead to a censorship of everything on the Internet. I guess I realize that there are many things that can be overdone, such as laws on public decency, laws concerning sexual relations, etc., yet they aren't, and if they are, they tend to have a short lifes...
June 5, 2004 by messybuu
I promise, this is my last blog entry for the evening. Why the War on Cancer Must End Billions of dollars is spent on the war on cancer, with very little to show for it. Millions die yearly. In the years it has been active, the War on Cancer has had relatively little success. Cancer can never be stopped completely. It's our own damn fault cancer is so widespread in the first place! Also, because I have some more to say about war... Take Our Troops Out of Germany! Bring them ba...
June 5, 2004 by messybuu
I've been downloading tons of pornography lately, much of it being "barely legal", and I've realized something: eighteen-year-olds are too young to do this shit! After all, some of them are still in high school, and it's not as if they have much experience as adults, since they've just become adults. Therefore, I propose that we raise the age of consent to twenty-one. Eighteen-year-olds will still have all the other rights they already have, but they'll have to wait until they're twenty-one t...
May 20, 2004 by messybuu
It's funny how ironic people can be. Janeane Garofalo, on the Daily Show, noted how polarized the country is, and Jon Stewart something about people becoming as fanatical as those they oppose, and Janeane Garofalo then states that voting for Bush is a character flaw, for many reasons including the fact that he's religious. It must be, after all, since she hates Bush with a fanatical passion and would vote for Hussein before she'd vote for Bush. She then went on a rant in an attempt to justify ...
May 15, 2004 by messybuu
What I enjoy about David Wong's Pointless Waste of Time (which contains vulgar content so beware!) is that Mr. Wong writes many of his articles in a style that is easy to read. That style, of course, is the list, which usually consists of fifty reasons why Lord of the Rings, the Matrix, or Eminem sucks. Not only is it easy to read though, but it's also much easier to write than an essay with transitions and paragraphs. And so, in light of those facts, I present to you... 10 Reasons I'm ...