No, there's nothing wrong with alienating your fans!
Published on July 21, 2004 By messybuu In Current Events

Many liberals seem to think that it was wrong for the Aladdin to exile Linda Ronstandt from the resort for her controversial statements. Sure, she insulted Las Vegas and the Aladdin as well as expressed controversial political beliefs at a time when she was supposed to entertain people, but because she showed support for filmmaker Michael Moore, some people think that escorting her off the premises with no plan to invite her back was an unethical act of censorship. After all, when you hire somebody to entertain your customers, you have to be crazy not to expect them to insult your business and fill their shows with political speeches.

Maybe conservatives are simply closed-minded. After all, would liberals act in such an irrational way?

  • If the editor of the Weekly Standard appeared on the Daily Show and insulted New York and the Daily Show and showered George W. Bush with praise, neither Jon Stewart nor the audience would be offended at all.
  • If Peter Parker stopped swinging across town in the middle of Spiderman 2 to begin a monologue in which he questioned the intelligence of the audience and gave a short speech about the many reasons Bush was the only sensible choice for President, nobody in the audience would be offended.
  • If Marilyn Manson sprinkled a concert with support for the gay marriage amendment, it wouldn't piss any of his fans off.

I think you know what I'm saying. Controversial politics ares only booed when they're against Bush and the Aladdin should have immediately signed Linda up for another show.

By the way, I'm being sarcastic.

on Jul 21, 2004
I guess it all comes down to free speech and freedom, you know?

I guess if Ronstadt had the freedom to express her opinion, then her fans had the freedom to boo at her and throw their cocktails or whatever they did that night. And since the Aladin is a business, I guess they have the freedom to say that Ronstadt can't come back. I suppose that's in their right to do so.

Good article.


on Jul 21, 2004
We saw the same reaction from liberals with the Dixie Chick event.

What some people fail to understand is that while people may have the right to speak their mind, they do not have the right to speak their mind while everyone who disagrees with them shuts the hell up and offers no reaction.

Offering your opinion to the public has consequences. If people don't like what you say, and you are an entertainer, then they just might decide not to feed your coffers and get their entertainment elsewhere. That's not censorship, that's capitalistic choice.
on Jul 22, 2004

Ah but in the liberal world, other opinions are not humane or civilized enough to justify equal time.

That's why we have campaign finance reform.  It keeps people like me from being able to take out political ads near the election but allows the media to talk about whatever they want.

Us regular people don't have the same rights as the important people do.  Or at least, as much as the important left wing people.

on Jul 22, 2004
"That's why we have campaign finance reform. It keeps people like me from being able to take out political ads near the election but allows the media to talk about whatever they want."

Doesn't seem to prevent Soros from pumping millions of dollars into Perhaps campaign finance laws haven't caught up to the internet, yet. Those "important" people always seem one step ahead, huh? You'd swear they had a hand in the system themselves...
on Jul 22, 2004
Dude, I'm not into your type of writing (though it's good) , but I wanted to say thanks for the comment you recently left on my blog.

on Jul 22, 2004
Linda, was acting as an employee, of Aladdin, in my opinion. Aladdin was presenting a product when they had her concert.
They were not, presenting a political product, they were presenting Lindas' Music. The time for Self promotion and fostering Her beliefs,
was on her own Dime. Everyone has a right, to Free Speech, but that doesn't mean you have to listen, or participate.
Campaign Finance reform is the biggest affront to Free Speech rights, there is. How much longer are the American, populace going to
belittle their Constitutional Rights? The winnowing has begun, in the name os Safety. I gues it's like trying to level, a table leg,
by whacking off a bit, here and there. Eventually there are no legs to stand on. So Just start to whackking and feel free to contribute to the
downfall, and call yourself a patriot in the process.
on Jul 23, 2004

By the way, I'm being sarcastic.

So glad to see this on the end.

on Jul 23, 2004
So glad to see this on the end.

My only regret is not quoting Homer Simpson exactly the way he said it. It didn't sound right at the time though.