Another rant on how stupid the Democrat Party has become.
Published on May 20, 2004 By messybuu In Politics

It's funny how ironic people can be. Janeane Garofalo, on the Daily Show, noted how polarized the country is, and Jon Stewart something about people becoming as fanatical as those they oppose, and Janeane Garofalo then states that voting for Bush is a character flaw, for many reasons including the fact that he's religious. It must be, after all, since she hates Bush with a fanatical passion and would vote for Hussein before she'd vote for Bush. She then went on a rant in an attempt to justify her opinion.

"Anybody but Bush!" is the slogan for the liberals of 2004, which brings me to my question of the day: If anybody other than Bush would do, then why the Hell didn't you bother picking somebody decent to run against him? What about Gore or McCain (sure McCain isn't a Democrat, but remember, anybody but Bush!)? Did you all believe that since you'd vote for anybody but Bush, that everybody else would vote for anybody but Bush as well, so you didn't even bother to put somebody decent on the ballot? Have Democrats become so lazy that they don't even bother to apply even a half-ass effort?

This reminds me of the time that I had to choose between watching a movie with Steven Segal, a man I don't care to see, and a movie of bears crapping on each other. While somebody who thought of Segal as the 21st century Hitler might take the movie of the bears crapping on each other and speak of the movie as the greatest movie ever to exist, I, and others that aren't completely psychotic, will take the movie with Steven Segal and wonder why the Democrat Party didn't bother running Gore again. After all, he supposedly won, didn't he? I guess Democrats are masochists.

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on May 20, 2004
Janeane Garofalo, on the Daily Show

You realize of course that The Daily Show is a satire right?
on May 20, 2004
Love the "bears crapping on each other analogy". I love Garofalo's comedy and she is a passable comedic actress in the rather typecast archetype roles she has performed in, but just because you are famous and have *a* talent does not mean you are not a SJBEM when it comes to politics.
on May 20, 2004
I guess my point was is that perhaps she was not being serious, given that she was on The Daily Show and all....
... but then again maybe not.
on May 20, 2004
Wow. That is spectacular.

See, I poked in on your little entry because I was hoping it was going to be about Janeane Garofalo dying her hair blonde and selling us all out and then it wasn't.

We can't run Gore because you people villianized him so badly. "Gore is a crybaby!" "Gore is a wimp" "blah blah blah blah blah!"

We want to run Kerry/McCain on the same ticket -- I think everyone agrees that that would be a pretty strong ticket.

AND- Yes, I would put my incontinent dog in charge of this country before I would leave it to a 57 year old frat boy.

Also, congradulations on writing what must be the longest run-on sentence in the history of the world. Sheer Genius --

Kachina Crowe

on May 20, 2004
It was an interview, and it seemed like she was being serious. In fact, I think Jon Stewart was a bit uncomfortable with her zealotry.
on May 20, 2004
If they won't run Gore because he was called some names, then the Democrats don't deserve to win. Besides, what I've heard about Kerry is far worse than anything I heard about Gore. As for Kerry/McCain, that'd be great with one change: no Kerry. Is he the best Democrats have?
on May 20, 2004
In that case I apologize and rephrase my question. Janeane Garofalo realized of course that The Daily Show is a satire right?

I wish I could have seen the show ... something made Jon Stewart uncomfortable? He's usually pretty quick on his feet.
on May 20, 2004
Let's just say that he was defending Bush (i.e. Janeane said he was a fundamentalist and he was saying otherwise) but it didn't get heated up or anything.
on May 21, 2004
Well, we can't very well nominate people who aren't interested in running...

Besides, I think Gore might have lost again anyway. I wanted Edwards myself , but Kerry will do.
on May 21, 2004

We want to run Kerry/McCain on the same ticket -- I think everyone agrees that that would be a pretty strong ticket.

Really? you speak for the Democratic party on this? Amazing, didn't know JU had the insiders hook ups like that! Thanks for gracing us with your comments Mr. McAuliffe!


We can't run Gore because he is busy inventing the internet again, keeping that "lockbox" safe from the enemy, and holding speeches on global warming on the coldest day New York had in 51 years.

on May 21, 2004

Also, congradulations on writing what must be the longest run-on sentence in the history of the world. Sheer Genius --

Also it is congratulations not congradulations... if you want to be a grammar cop then at least police your own spelling... or better yet just don't sweat the meaningless stuff.

on May 21, 2004
and holding speeches on global warming on the coldest day New York had in 51 years.

And don't forget telling us to see the "documentary" The Day After Tomorrow to raise awareness on global climate change.

But don't be too hard on the guy, at least he can spell potato(e). (or I hope he can).
on May 21, 2004
What's funny is left-wingers who think that supporting gay marriage is a mainstream position.
on May 21, 2004
Typical response from someone (Janeane) who's out of the mainstream. She along with the rest of the liberals in this country need to realize; There views are outside the dimensions of mainstream ideology, the very thing she disparaged (divisivness of the republican party.) was, and is the impression that most Americans have of the democratic party today. Few areas of this country agree with the radical views of a Janeane Garofolo (i.e. American was responsible for Sept. 11th, All drugs should be legal, etc...) There has always been a struggle to define the morality of a nation, and given the democratic fall from power throughout the late 20th century; it's no suprise that they have contorted themselves into the position of fear mongers and apologists.
I considered myself a democrat during my younger years and now vote independently. I can no longer check logic and reason at the voters booth while Democrats continue to peddle too fear.
on May 21, 2004
There views are outside the dimensions of mainstream ideology, the very thing she disparaged (divisivness of the republican party.) was, and is the impression that most Americans have of the democratic party today. Few areas of this country agree with the radical views of a Janeane Garofolo

The question begs, what's so important about keeping one's views within the mainstream boundary? I detect a hint of "if it's the majority opinion, it must be right." One needs to demonstrate why the views are wrong, not simply demonstrate that they aren't within the current boundaries of popular thinking.

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