Also: Spirit Evolution
Published on July 23, 2004 By messybuu In Religion

Ignoring my priorities as I tend to do, I logged onto Yahoo! Chat this week to waste some precious time by annoying some people I knew on religious chat rooms of MSN Chat. I've patronized religious chat rooms for over half a decade and my routine of trolling others hasn't changed. I might have switched teams, but I still remain true to the time-tested insults I used when I still attended high school. Some might say that I've overdrawn my act, but I'm not the one who hasn't changed.

Religious debate rooms in which I participated that were not specifically centered toward Christianity always contained pretentious pseudo-intellectuals who labelled all Christians as dimwitted, sheepish, closed-minded, and hateful. They would blame Christianity for the world's afflictions, paste quotes from our founding fathers supposedly condemning Christianity, whine about how hostile Christian fundamentalists were, and treat Christians who ventured into the debate with untempered hostility. They were self-proclaimed masters of logic and reason, even if their hypocrisy was so blatant it was retarded. I shouldn't speak in the past though, as many of the same people still roam the chats skewering Christians with unabashed insults. Supposedly, they do it for the good of humanity because Christianity "is the greatest threat to the world." One might wonder why intelligent people would go crazy and demonize Christianity (or anything else) in such a ridiculous way, but I think I understand why.

I used to be one of those jerks. I know why Christianity infuriates them. Back then, I knew the world would still have as many problems in Christianity's absence as it did and still does. I knew that not all Christians were closed-minded bigots. But I also knew that Christianity was the perfect excuse to remain a loser. As an atheist in a society predominantly composed of Christians, I could blame my failures on the oppression of Christian society. I could blame my inability to gather friends on the intolerance they showed for my beliefs. I could blame my inability to persuade girls to show me their breasts on their stupid refusal to admit that I, a non-Christian, could make a great boyfriend. I could remain a failure in life and do absolutely nothing to fight it. After all, I had sight in a world of the blind and they were too jealous to accept that peacefully, so the masses collectively held me in place.

As time passed, my militancy turned into apathy and useful knowledge replaced vast libraries of worthless scientific trivia and religious rhetoric. I now understand that my vacillant beliefs are as subjective as everybody else's. I am not omnipotent enough to even comprehend an infinitesimal crum of existence. I now realize that the evils inside fundamentalists also exist in the most humanistic people. I now know to take responsibility for my own life (even if I haven't actually done so yet).

I might still go to chat rooms to make the same exact jokes I made last century, but internally, I've evolved from a crippled monkey into a Super Saiyan 4.. The anti-Christian pseudo-intellectuals I know will probably be throwing crap at Christians ten years from now.

on Jul 23, 2004
Dude, you just gotta get out more...
on Jul 23, 2004
I'm gradually recovering as I gradually expel the atheism from my brain.
on Jul 24, 2004
Interesting stuff bro...

but yeah - outside good.

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