This time, it's personal!
Published on July 12, 2004 By messybuu In Just Hanging Out

Bizarro is back and now he's more powerful than ever! The insanity approaches at a devastating rate in anticipation of the most important election in history, which will decide whether Bush is reelected and liberals furiously exodus to Canada or a relative of his takes office and liberals cheer orgasmically at the minute change. This time, there's double the stupidity!

  • AIDS is not a gay disease nor does it only affect homosexuals, but Reagan was homophobic for not prioritizing the fight to rid the world of AIDS.
  • The majority isn't always right, unless it's European.
  • The founding fathers of the United States of America, the Allies from World War II, and Ghandi from India were terrorists even though they did nothing to fit the definition of terrorism because labeling them as such legitimizes the terrorism in the Middle East.
  • It is wrong to blame Islam for the actions of its most violent members, but Christians and Christianity itself is to blame for all of the world's problems.
  • The Republicans are intolerant and racist while the Democrats aren't, which is why that sellout Uncle Tom of a nigger named Colin Powell should be lynched by the KKK while we liberals spit on him and call him derogatory names simply because he is not of the same political party as we are!
  • Religious attire is a dangerous threat to society!
  • Abstinence is a wicked vice and should never be promoted nor spoken of.
  • I'm not anti-Semitic because I'm anti-Israel, but you're racist because you're anti-immigration and you're homophobic because you're anti-gay marriage!
  • Genetic engineering and cloning are wrong because we shouldn't play God, unless it's in the form of medication, steroids, abortion, implants, machinery, etc.
  • If we don't do something to stop global warming, the world will become so hot that we will enter a new Ice Age!
  • Marijuana is completely harmless, but I would never allow my child near the stuff!
  • What two consenting adults do in the bedroom is nobody's business, unless they're related or there's more than two consenting adults.
  • The most evil act a nation can commit is doing something that helps an entire nation.
  • A one-world-order is a terrible idea, which is why I support the U.N., an organization that seeks to unite all nations under one common law.

My head hurts.

on Jul 12, 2004
Bravo! Well thought out and phrased.

BTW: Spam, Spam, Eggs and Spam doesn't have a lot of spam in it!
-Monty Python
on Jul 12, 2004
which will decide whether Bush is reelected and liberals furiously exodus to Canada

They promised to do this last election and it turned out to be just a tease.
on Jul 15, 2004
Very nice article, Joseph.
on Jul 16, 2004
Thanks everybody for your kind comments!

They promised to do this last election and it turned out to be just a tease.

That'll teach me not to ever take anything they say seriously again!