The Reason Why Nobody Else Really Matters
Published on July 21, 2004 By messybuu In Misc

Ever since, the greatest website in existence, shut down, David Wong's Pointless Waste of Time has attempted to fill the hole left in my heart with little success. However, one of his recent articles has flooded that void with insight and laughter. In this article, he wrote about something that affects all conscious life in the universe: the Monkeysphere. I'd describe it, but it'd be better if you simply read the article.

on Jul 21, 2004
It's a fine article. Read it at work last week when one of my associates Link printed it out for the edification of the group.
on Jul 21, 2004
You're doing exactly what the article says: turning real people into one-dimensional caricatures. The people with whom conservatives empathize are as human as the people with whom liberals empathize.
on Jul 21, 2004
Or even moreso, eh?

grey and I were talking about this some; our monkeyspheres are pretty small. His is smaller than mine, both of ours are limited by physical distance, and I think I include objects, hobbies and ideas/beliefs in mine as well... cuts down on the number of people I can have in there.
on Jul 22, 2004
While I disagree with large portions of the article (and will probably blog a response at some point) I did find it very interesting. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Limbaugh (apparently) tips low paid waiters/waitresses well but objects to paying taxes to help those same people....why?

It could be because he would prefer to help people personally and decide where his money goes himself rather than trust a government organization to take his money against his will, lop off a large chunk for themselves, and then give a much smaller portion to people who may not even need help but just be "working the system." Can you prove that waiter/waitress is assisted by governmental tax redistribution programs? (Just to give a conservative spin to it.) But the only one who could really answer that question would be Limbaugh himself.
on Jul 22, 2004
I have deleted my comments. My premise was simplistic and conclusion probably erroneous.