messybuu's Articles » Page 4
October 2, 2004 by messybuu
This is something that surprised me. John Kerry, Jon Stewart, and other liberals who have criticized that Bush did not work enough with his allies in Iraq are now insisting that we deal with North Korea alone in bilateral talks between them and us. Is this supposed to make some sense? Is there a reason why the same people who say America shouldn't go around acting like a cowboy thinks we should brush aside the other nations and do our own thing with North Korea? Is there some benefit to keeping ...
October 2, 2004 by messybuu
Many sons of former Republican Presidents have spoken out against George W. Bush, using their heritage as a badge that their opinions are somehow significant. That's all fine and dandy, but it turns out that John Kerry also has some relatives that don't intend to give them their support anytime soon. This distant relative of his has been very critical of his record, calling him a flip-flopper among other things. He has publicly come out in support of George W. Bush. That man's name: George W. B...
October 2, 2004 by messybuu
So, I'm on IRC, and people are having the bot spout out tons of definitions. So, Dancinghobo has it define "world war ii" and the bot lists all the members of the Allies and all the members of the Axis. I notice something immediately: there aren't many allies! Only 35 other countries supported the United States in the war on Hitler ! Not even major players such as Germany, Italy, and Japan supported the war! Compare that to the 49 other countries that supported the US in the invasion of Iraq,...
October 1, 2004 by messybuu
As many of you know from my "gay" fantasy , I often dream of being a woman. It always seemed as though I'd have more fun as a member of the other gender. Recently though, I realized something shocking: I am a woman! Unfortunately, it's not as glamorous as I imagined... Like a woman, I'm moody and obsessive. I have mood swings so violent that they can only be described as PMS. It'd show like a zit on my writing if I wrote more often, but I don't because my obsessive-compulsive behavior has me...
September 24, 2004 by messybuu
When one discusses socialism with socialists, one will hear that a socialist country never actually existed. Sure, there were attempts at establishing socialist nations, but since they failed miserably, they don't count. Since a socialist nation has never truly existed, despite the many attempts, is there a point to supporting such a system? Sure, ideally, it'll work perfectly, but everything works perfectly on paper. How is socialism, which won't ever work unless the most ideal variable...
September 24, 2004 by messybuu
The topic of the day is whether or not universal healthcare should replace the current system the United States has. For some, universal healthcare is the only reasonable option for a nation as prestigious as America. However, because of the torturous waits involved in such a system, others prefer the system America currently has. Due to rising healthcare costs though, that system is on its deathbed. With rising costs of healthcare on one side and an inefficient bureaucracy on the othe...
September 22, 2004 by messybuu
I have no male homosexual friends. I try to avoid the male gender as much as possible. Some will say that I'm homophobic and consequently homosexual, but they are fools. Not only am I neither homosexual nor homophobic, but I even have fantasies that ride the border of sexuality! Sometimes I fantasize about being a woman. I become a young woman of average height and build with an medium-sized chest as well as silky brunette hair that has a fascinating golden shine whenever I transform into a Sup...
September 18, 2004 by messybuu
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
September 12, 2004 by messybuu
You already know of the debacle concerning the report by CBS of a controversial memo that attacks the military record of George W. Bush. While most have already accepted that it's most likely fake, there are some who still insist it might be authentic. They're confident it's probably real, but I'm confident it's absolutely fake. In fact, to show how confident I am, I'll offer something... If the memo is an authentic memo from Lt. Col. Killian from 1973, then I will vote for John Kerry. I...
September 10, 2004 by messybuu
A group of Muslims recently issued an apology to the world for the terrible atrocities terrorists have committed in the name of Muslims. Tired of the silence of their religious leaders who'd rather blame others for such atrocious events, these Muslims have courageously taken action not only to accept that Muslims were responsible for September 11th and not some Jewish conspiracy, but also to condemn that and other inhumane acts committed by Muslim terrorists. I applaud the words of these Musli...
September 3, 2004 by messybuu
After my Friday night biology class in which a transvestite was present, I found a few political pictures on a professor's door . Apparently, there are Republicans supporting a candidate other than Bush. Although I understand why they might not support Bush, "splitting the ticket" guarantees defeat for both Republican candidates. Besides, despite the charisma the other candidate has, which will undoubtedly gather many supporters from the Democrats, a party consisting of many people who have a...
August 31, 2004 by messybuu
We all have passionate political beliefs and we fight for them daily, but why do we care so much about them? Here are the reasons I think the way I do... Legalization of Drugs I oppose the legalization of marijuana because movies such as Half-Baked and those starring Cheech and Chong would not be as humorous. France's Oppression Against Religion I oppose the ban of overtly religious attire in France because I have a fetish for women in uniform. Women in the Military I support w...
August 25, 2004 by messybuu
Despite the glaring similarities between the two major political candidates in this year's election, the nation has never been as divided as it is now. Some see the election between John F. Kerry and George W. Bush as the ultimate battle between good and evil, respectively. To them, the wrong decision might ignite the apocalypse. I'm not one of those individuals though. Voting for the "wrong" candidate won't significantly harm my life, which is why John F. Kerry doesn't automatically receiv...
August 20, 2004 by messybuu
Some people have negative feelings toward breast augmentation and the women who've done it. The surgery is unnecessary and vain, and only shallow men and women with low self-confidence approve of it. However, waxing one's body hair, dying one's hair, wearing fragrances, using mousse, painting one's nails, and dressing fashionably are accepted universally, even though such acts are also vain and unnecessary. After all, both result in nothing but aesthetic enhancement. Maybe I'm missing something ...
August 14, 2004 by messybuu
Penguin Putnam published a book titled four years ago. It was the true story of Katherine Tarbox's encounter with a sexual predator she met from the Internet. However, the book has sparked much controversy over the last four years. Why? Because neither Penguin Putnam nor Katherine Tarbox owned the domain, The domain name belonged to Katie Jones, a woman who received much distress from the irresponsible behavior of powerful corporation. Besides receiving much disturbing ema...