Where's the Imaginary Line?
Published on August 20, 2004 By messybuu In Misc

Some people have negative feelings toward breast augmentation and the women who've done it. The surgery is unnecessary and vain, and only shallow men and women with low self-confidence approve of it. However, waxing one's body hair, dying one's hair, wearing fragrances, using mousse, painting one's nails, and dressing fashionably are accepted universally, even though such acts are also vain and unnecessary. After all, both result in nothing but aesthetic enhancement. Maybe I'm missing something though. Maybe you could clarify the following:

  • Why do women waxing one's body hair, dying one's hair, wearing fragrances, using mousse, painting one's nails, dressing fashionably, etc., if not to approve their physical appearance? 
  • How is waxing one's body hair, dying one's hair, wearing fragrances, using mousse, painting one's nails, dressing fashionably, etc. necessary?
  • How is waxing one's body hair, dying one's hair, wearing fragrances, using mousse, painting one's nails, dressing fashionably, etc. natural?

I'd really love to know the logic behind it, since a healthy number of people do feel this way.

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