The All Natural Form of Healthcare
Published on September 24, 2004 By messybuu In Current Events

The topic of the day is whether or not universal healthcare should replace the current system the United States has. For some, universal healthcare is the only reasonable option for a nation as prestigious as America. However, because of the torturous waits involved in such a system, others prefer the system America currently has. Due to rising healthcare costs though, that system is on its deathbed. With rising costs of healthcare on one side and an inefficient bureaucracy on the other, both of which will cost millions of lives, it's imperative that we find a suitable system to replace the one we currently have. I know what we need.

Here's my plan for a system that's free in the truest sense of the world as well as fair to everybody: allow nature to take its course. With my system, nobody would pay "out the ass" for medical services since there wouldn't be any services for which to pay. Nobody would waste their time waiting for appointments with doctors who'll endlessly refer you to other "specialists" either, since doctors would no longer exist. Besides being fair and efficient, this system would allow natural selection to again take control of the human race and strengthen it in ways that drugs and surgery never could.

I doubt my system will ever be taken seriously though. Many lawyers who make money on frivolous medical lawsuits would be out of jobs. It would also push millions of paper-pushers out of jobs. Since ambulance-chasing lawyers and useless workers of America have taken control of the nation by unionizing, such an innovative idea for healthcare would never reach Washington.

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