His Influence Reaches Beyond Party Lines
Published on July 28, 2004 By messybuu In Politics

After watching The Daily Show today, I learned that George W. Bush really is a uniter and not a divider. During Jon Stewart's interview Jon with a Democrat senator, the senator stated that Democrats are now united. When Jon asks why, only one name comes to the senator’s mind: not John Kerry’s, John Edward’s, or Howard Dean’s. According to senator, the man responsible for the unity of the Democrats is George W. Bush.

Next time somebody tells you that George W. Bush is a divider, remind them that Democrats are united not because of Al Gore or Bill Clinton, but because of George W. Bush.

on Jul 28, 2004
Joseph, very good! If they win in Nov they'll have to find him some government job so that they stay together. If they lose they'll have to change it so that he can run for a third term.
on Jul 29, 2004
I read a similar take on the Democratic party in this article: Link

I particuarly like the closing lines.

Bush hate is the glue that holds the party together. If he leaves the scene -- the party may quickly fall apart.
on Jul 29, 2004
That's probably the biggest incentive I've seen to vote for Kerry.
on Aug 01, 2004
You could've said the same thing about anti-Clinton sentiment