Get thee to a nunnery!
Published on November 5, 2004 By messybuu In Politics

The aftermath of the presidential election flows with the bitter rage of the Kerry supporters. Many Democrats thankfully accept the loss with grace, but some, many of whom claimed patriotism, demean the majority of Americans, wish pestilence upon the nation, and ready for Canada (as they always do when they lose an election).

Meanwhile, most supporters of Bush (in my biased opinion) do not gloat excessively, and instead show joy with silent grins as they listen to the rantings of disillusioned "Rock the Vote" Democrats. Of course, I'm a college student, so perhaps Republicans are simply silent to avoid persecution by a liberal faculty and student body for their political beliefs much like the witches in Salem.

I understand their disappointment. I'd be upset if Bush lost. I don't understand why they curse America and its citizens. Why can they not accept that the majority of Americans aren't all selfish idiots. Sure, some are, but the ones who voted for Kerry aren't all angelic super geniuses. I also don't understand why they wish the worst on America. How can claim patriotism when they wish suffering upon Americans because they lost the election? My family voted for Kerry, but I feel no ill will toward them, nor do they wish the worst upon America. Cursing America because your candidate lost shows that you never cared about America, so don't feign humanitarian concern.

Would I curse America if Bush had lost? Hell no! In fact, I anticipated a loss, ready to tear apart Kerry, but never once did I hope America would suffer under Kerry's administration nor did I ever think the majority of Americans who would have voted for Kerry to be idiots or delusional. I'd be upset. I'd examine Kerry as if I were a geek examining all the flaws in Star Trek to bitch about them at the next convention, but I'd never hope that he hurt America nor would I think less of Americans for having a different opinion. Then again, maybe I don't understand true patriotism.

You lost. Get over it. This is neither the first nor the last election. I promise you this though: If you continue to spread hate and intolerance as though you were the right wing fundamentalists you condemn, then expect to see Republicans take more control over the houses and expect another Republican president in 2008. Nobody likes overzealous dogmatists, and you are to Democrats what Jerry Falwell is to Christians.

In fact, move to Canada. Let the reasonable Democrats find new leaders with sense and rebuild their party into greatness.

I don't want to gloat, but the self-righteous, pompous, and pseudo-intellectual Democrats irritate me, and so, here's my tribute to four more years of George W. Bush!

on Nov 05, 2004
I dont remember anybody threatening to move to Canada or elsewhere in 92 or 96. But I doubt many will if any do. Liberals just love playing the DQ role.
on Nov 05, 2004

I dont remember anybody threatening to move to Canada or elsewhere in 92 or 96. But I doubt many will if any do. Liberals just love playing the DQ role.

Yeah. It's empty promises, and that's why it's so annoying to hear them say they'll move. Maybe next time somebody says they will, I'll offer to help pack.

on Nov 06, 2004
Cursing America because your candidate lost shows that you never cared about America, so don't feign humanitarian concern.

Insightful, Messy. But I might rephrase that and say that cursing America because your candidate lost shows you never cared about the nearly 60 million people who disagreed with you. There are principled democrats & liberals who are patriots. Liberalism and patriotism are not mutually exclusive. Unfortunately, the principled democrats weren't in charge, either because they were co-opted by the extremists & just couldn't be heard or because they had so little faith in their principles that they remained passive.

on Nov 06, 2004
Of course, I'm a college student, so perhaps Republicans are simply silent to avoid persecution by a liberal faculty and student body for their political beliefs much like the witches in Salem.

No truer words have been typed I am live in fear of dealing with friction with other religions (though I do it anyways because most people are not that bad) by myself being an occultist and in dealing with other political smacktards when you try to discuss political philosophy (political I do less because most people are that bad).

They espouse the ideas of equality but are ready to burn your ass without a second thought!!

Good post.

Plinko for the Buu of messiness!!