A New Hope?
Published on October 6, 2004 By messybuu In Politics

In November, the ultimate battle between good and evil will take place. John F. Kerry, our Lord and Savior, will do battle with George W. Bush, the ultimat existence of evil, in an election that shall decide the future of humanity. If Bush wins, then the world will suffer four more years of relatively low unemployment, a Christian President with a Texan accent and wild daughters, ridicule by pompous European nations, and Michael Moore movies. A victory for Kerry will change all that...

Kerry promises to persuade the European nations to share the burden that is Iraq, even if France and Germany have already said that they will not do a damn thing to help us over there. It's also doubtful that Spain, Poland, and other countries that have left or are ready to leave Iraq will eagerly return under Bush's rule, but will be reluctant not to under Kerry's. By having European countries share the workload in Iraq, it will ease the burden on America. And even if the European countries rejected his request, which is unlikely, Kerry would still be able to ease the burden by removing the troops from the country. Meanwhile, Bush is single-handedly fighting a unilateral war in Iraq with the support of less than 75 nations, and he doesn't intend to leave for awhile.

Kerry will also end the terror that is terrorizing the world. Rather than treat terrorists like the enemy, he will work with them to reach an acceptable solution for them. Bush, on the other hand, will treat terrorism as a threat to deal that must be dealt with proactively. It's no wonder that terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in 2001. America has suffered more terrorism since the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan than we have before them.

Kerry also promises to revive the economy that Bush unilaterally destroyed. After four years of fumbling by Bush, the economy has not continued the booming trend that Clinton set in his terms. Not only is the unemployment rate as high as it was under Clinton's time in office, but since Bush entered office, hundreds of companies went out of business. You can thank Bush that you lost your cushiony job at World Trade Center, those sweet discounts from Pets.com, and your stock in Enron. Kerry will raise taxes for the wealthy in an effort to create more jobs, revitalize social security, ease the national debt, and fund the troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in the future, Sudan.

Kerry promises to bring integrity back into the White House... Just kidding about that one!

Although many questions still remain, the entire world knows that the defeat of Bush will bring a glorious victory of indeterminate change. That is why you must vote for Kerry in November. End Bush's reign of terror so that Kerry's reign of terror...uh...riffic rule may begin!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 06, 2004
Vote Change so we can see the immense amount of typed cursing coming from the authors of bloggs like this. Hope you didn't spend much time on it...
on Oct 06, 2004
Umm, acording to recent economic numbers, the economy is strengthening...and

America has suffered more terrorism since the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan than we have before them.

Not true, The U.S suffered slightly more attacks.... get your facts straight...

on Oct 06, 2004

I'll definitely swear a bit if Kerry wins, but let's be fair about this; there'll be swearing whoever wins. In fact, I'm positive that there'll be more swearing altogether if Bush wins. I can already imagine the reaction of the French if Bush wins: "Merde! Merde!" Then Johnny Depp's head explodes from the outrage, which benefits us all.

France. Why I'm seriously questioning taking another year of French.

on Oct 06, 2004
I know very few people who are claiming Kerry is some kind of saint. I know lots of people, though, who think Bush has demonstrated that he's simply not up to handling Iraq and the War Against Terrorism. For whatever reason, Bush seems to be in denial about the reality on the ground, even as generals and senators report on a hemorrhaging situation. When your team is doing badly, you change managers. When your company is doing badly, you change CEOs.
on Oct 06, 2004
Psst, this blog was SATIRE.
on Oct 06, 2004
Yeah, very bad satire...
on Oct 06, 2004
Psst: I treated it as satire, and assumed that Messy Buu is saying that (1) this stuff won't happen and (2) people who oppose Bush have overly rosy views of Kerry. Do you disagree with my interpretation? If not, can we talk about the substance of my comment?
on Oct 06, 2004
Good try, Messy. I, too, have failed miserably at satire, and on this very website, no less!
on Oct 06, 2004

Yeah, very bad satire...

Yes. I was trying for something around "The Onion" or "The Daily Show" quality. I'm surprised I exceeded my expectations.

Good try, Messy. I, too, have failed miserably at satire, and on this very website, no less!

We both should write for the Onion.

on Oct 06, 2004
Messy Buu, I appreciate that you were writing satire, and I'm sorry if I responded more strongly than I should have. The problem is that we know you support Bush, that you've been critical of Kerry, and that you've said those who oppose Bush are too rosy in the way they see Kerry.

Because of your open political bias, if you're really trying to write satire that should be interpreted as humor, you'd be smarter to satirize your own side. What you did was kind of like Michael Moore writing a similarly toned piece about a second Bush term, and then saying he was just joking around, and the Republican were wrong to think he was implying Bush wouldn't be a good president.

The Onion can get away with precisely because they're an equal opportunity offender. If you're trying to emulate the Onion, you need to be just as biting when making fun of your own side. If you can do that, I really think your writing shows a lot of potential!
on Oct 06, 2004
The point's not about trying to be as bad as the Onion. My point was that supposedly, Bush is this boogeyman that needs to be taken out of office, but what will Kerry do that's so much better? Is he going to be able to convince the nations that already said they wouldn't help in Iraq even if Kerry was President to go against the will of their people and have troops die in Iraq? How is he going to stifle terrorism? Sure, we being in Iraq pisses them off, but 9/11 happened before all of that. Were terrorists so pissed that Al Gore, an environmentalist, wasn't elected that they decided to attack the WTC? How will he fix the economy, besides hopefully not have any scandals, bubble bursts, or terrorist attacks that'll damage it? It's funny, because through all the shit's the country's been through in the last four years (and not the fault of Bush), the economy's doing pretty well to almost catch up to how it was with Clinton. For what the economy has been through for the last four years, If he's not going to be that much of an improvement, then why did Democrats decide to choose him to run for President. Were they high or is he actually the best they have?
on Oct 07, 2004
then why did Democrats decide to choose him to run for President. Were they high or is he actually the best they have?
The very best wouldn't go off too well in a divided nation and a congress that will still be conservative.Could you imagine a close race if Kucinich, Dean, Kennedy or Clark were running?
on Oct 07, 2004
The very best wouldn't go off too well in a divided nation and a congress that will still be conservative.Could you imagine a close race if Kucinich, Dean, Kennedy or Clark were running?

No, but you can bet your ass Lieberman would have won.

- GX
on Oct 07, 2004
Could you imagine a close race if Kucinich, Dean, Kennedy or Clark were running?

Actually, I might have been able to bring myself to vote for Dean. And Lieberman could well have won -- I could have voted for him too. But Kerry? I keep pondering it -- I really don't want to vote for Bush -- but I just can't click that box marked Kerry.

Stupid DNC.

on Oct 07, 2004
Messy Buu, regardless of what everyone is saying I am with you. I am a Christian myself and I feel the same way. Kerry is a good man I know very well I spent a lot of time researching his background to know. Especially tracking down the reasons why he did not vote on some bills. Solid reasons why every single time. The vote in Nov will set the policies in the US for the next 10-20 years. Bush is not leading us in the right direction. All he has is misleading statements the man is not able of speaking the truth. Why else would the Republicans use the age old tactic of attacking and discrediting a worthy opponent if he had a record to run on? Frankly it is the stupid RNC not DNC. The DEMS though I am no longer one myself (Independent) have a plan for this country that does not include giving favors to special interests. Bush has bent over and let every single person with money to give him some. He just passed another bill in the guise of helping the working class. Bullcrap it is just another ploy like the Medicare bill. The one where no one HAS TO leave the program they are on? My Dad was forced off his Co-pay program was paying only 180.00 a month for drugs now he has to pay almost 2000.00 a month. Kerry is an honorable man and his entire life has been devoted to serving. Bush could not make a pimple on his butt let alone be able to match Kerry in a race. The RNC is good at being liars and cheaters when it comes to elections. Look at Tom Delay and his recent scandals.

Liberman was and is just like Bush. His views are out of the main stream big time. Dean was not my choice it has been Kerry all the way. Spend some time doing some investigation people instead of listening to talking heads and falling in behind party lines and mottos. Bush is going to make this country less safe not safer wake up people!!

I enjoy this so much I created some political forums at my website. Not as good as Blogs but it feeds my political habit. http://www.neotechgaming.com if anyone cares to read or take part in my forums. Kerry all the way!!
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