If you don't support socialized stripping, you hate women!
Published on October 12, 2004 By messybuu In Politics

Stripping. It's one of the many noble professions for a woman. I'm not being sarcastic about that either. Stripping is a very beautiful form of art that is both erotic and tasteful. It's also one of the few art forms that actually pay well, which is why many women are able to pay their college fees by stripping. But does it pay well enough for the majority of strippers?

According to a source involved in the stripping business, many strippers resort to selling sex in order to purchase drugs or uniforms for their children. Meanwhile, strippers with superior skills make just as much money without having to resort to such whoredom. It's sad that in America, land of the free, not even strippers are equal.

That is why I propose a new system that will make the stripping business fair and righteous: socialized stripping. What is socialized stripping? It's simple. Tips are allocated in such a way that each stripper receives the same amount of money, no matter how much they earned on their own. That way, poor strippers wouldn't need to resort to giving BJs to clients. I'm sure the good strippers wouldn't mind some of their tips going to help pay for the drugs and clothes of other strippers. They make enough as it is.

Write to your local congressman and demand that stripping be socialized! Make the super strippers finally pay their fair share.

on Oct 12, 2004

- Grim X

on Oct 12, 2004

messy buu, i have my own views on stuff like stripping and prostitution. but those views were formed because i'm a while middle class australian woman who has never been desperate enough to have to contemplate such a thing to survive, so they hardly count. (besides which, i happen to resemble an ironing board naked, which can hardly be titillating. but i digress ...)

you make a very good point. i know i wasn't supposed to take this as seriously as i am, but i applaud your thinking on this issue and wanted to say so. if more people could face the facts that these occupations do exist regardless of their personal view on them, then we could go a long way towards ensuring that these women weren't subject to abuse as a consequence of their job, as well as ensuring them a standard, reliable wage.

one insightful rating coming your way. great stuff. thanks for sharing it.

mig XXX