Do their special interest groups promote stereotypes?
Published on October 8, 2004 By messybuu In Politics

After seeing commercials about Prop 68 and Prop 70, I decided to see what those propositions would really do to California. What I immediately noticed is that the propositions were opposed by the League of Women Voters. I'm happy that there are groups out there trying to persuade more women to vote, but to speak for them, it's as though they're implying that women lack the ability to speak for themselves individually. Same with the NAACP acting as the representatives of all black people. What I see is, "Women/Blacks can all be stereotyped as being against/for [insert issue here]." Sure, there's groups out there that try to speak for white males such as the Ku Klux Klan, but does anybody except the fringe actually take them seriously? Hell no!

Maybe the NAACP and League of Women Voters should stop trying to tell women and blacks how to think unless they're trying to tell the nation that women and blacks are too stupid to make up their own minds. Like white men, minorities and women all have different political beliefs, and to insist that they should think as a collective and not as individuals only perpetuates stereotypes that they're all the same and that they're all too stupid to make up their own minds.

on Oct 08, 2004
Maybe the NAACP and League of Women Voters should stop trying to tell women and blacks how to think unless they're trying to tell the nation that women and blacks are too stupid to make up their own minds. Like white men, minorities and women all have different political beliefs, and to insist that they should think as a collective and not as individuals only perpetuates stereotypes that they're all the same and that they're all too stupid to make up their own minds.

Excellant point, but it falls on deaf ears. Other than Clarence Thomas, when has NOW come out against a black candidate? After multiple allegations of behaviour ranging from lewd to criminal, when did they condemn Clinton? When did the NAACP support Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams, Clarence Thomas, Condileeza Rice, Colin Powell? When did the NAACP condem ted Rall for calling the last 2 'house niggers' (his exact words, not mine).

The simple fact of the matter is they are not representing their constituency. They have become the Uncle Toms to their Democrat masters (yeas, even Betty Friedan and the gals at NOW).

And they are a joke. Unfortunately. most people cant think for themselves. And so they listen to the syncophants of the plantation masters.

Too Bad, so Sad and so destructive.
on Oct 08, 2004
Like white men, minorities and women all have different political beliefs, and to insist that they should think as a collective and not as individuals only perpetuates stereotypes that they're all the same and that they're all too stupid to make up their own minds.

Awesome point, but you are preaching to the choir here. Main reason I dislike some politicians, they say they are for racial equality but blow that out of the water when they say a minority or woman is stupid, discriminated, etc. by such and such, especially when such and such is something Electronic or a Machine.

Everyone is an individual, their race and gender just make them who they are not what block of voters or idiots they belong too. Each person is an unique individual.

You are unique just like everybody else.

- GX