messybuu's Articles In Politics » Page 3
October 19, 2004 by messybuu
How am I supposed to watch the Daily Show? Is it a show that's purely for entertainment purposes? If so, then I feel prudish for being offended by its liberal slant. As a Christian who laughs when South Park is blasphemous, I shouldn't be offended as a Republican when the Daily Show pokes fun at Republicans. If the show's solely comedy, then it's no different than Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update. Or is it a show that conveys a critical message about the Media (i.e. when it edits news ...
October 12, 2004 by messybuu
Stripping. It's one of the many noble professions for a woman. I'm not being sarcastic about that either. Stripping is a very beautiful form of art that is both erotic and tasteful. It's also one of the few art forms that actually pay well, which is why many women are able to pay their college fees by stripping. But does it pay well enough for the majority of strippers? According to a source involved in the stripping business, many strippers resort to selling sex in order to purchase drugs or...
October 8, 2004 by messybuu
After seeing commercials about Prop 68 and Prop 70, I decided to see what those propositions would really do to California. What I immediately noticed is that the propositions were opposed by the League of Women Voters . I'm happy that there are groups out there trying to persuade more women to vote, but to speak for them, it's as though they're implying that women lack the ability to speak for themselves individually. Same with the NAACP acting as the representatives of all black people...
October 6, 2004 by messybuu
In November, the ultimate battle between good and evil will take place. John F. Kerry, our Lord and Savior, will do battle with George W. Bush, the ultimat existence of evil, in an election that shall decide the future of humanity. If Bush wins, then the world will suffer four more years of relatively low unemployment, a Christian President with a Texan accent and wild daughters, ridicule by pompous European nations, and Michael Moore movies. A victory for Kerry will change all that... Kerry ...
October 2, 2004 by messybuu
Many sons of former Republican Presidents have spoken out against George W. Bush, using their heritage as a badge that their opinions are somehow significant. That's all fine and dandy, but it turns out that John Kerry also has some relatives that don't intend to give them their support anytime soon. This distant relative of his has been very critical of his record, calling him a flip-flopper among other things. He has publicly come out in support of George W. Bush. That man's name: George W. B...
October 2, 2004 by messybuu
So, I'm on IRC, and people are having the bot spout out tons of definitions. So, Dancinghobo has it define "world war ii" and the bot lists all the members of the Allies and all the members of the Axis. I notice something immediately: there aren't many allies! Only 35 other countries supported the United States in the war on Hitler ! Not even major players such as Germany, Italy, and Japan supported the war! Compare that to the 49 other countries that supported the US in the invasion of Iraq,...
September 24, 2004 by messybuu
When one discusses socialism with socialists, one will hear that a socialist country never actually existed. Sure, there were attempts at establishing socialist nations, but since they failed miserably, they don't count. Since a socialist nation has never truly existed, despite the many attempts, is there a point to supporting such a system? Sure, ideally, it'll work perfectly, but everything works perfectly on paper. How is socialism, which won't ever work unless the most ideal variable...
September 12, 2004 by messybuu
You already know of the debacle concerning the report by CBS of a controversial memo that attacks the military record of George W. Bush. While most have already accepted that it's most likely fake, there are some who still insist it might be authentic. They're confident it's probably real, but I'm confident it's absolutely fake. In fact, to show how confident I am, I'll offer something... If the memo is an authentic memo from Lt. Col. Killian from 1973, then I will vote for John Kerry. I...
August 31, 2004 by messybuu
We all have passionate political beliefs and we fight for them daily, but why do we care so much about them? Here are the reasons I think the way I do... Legalization of Drugs I oppose the legalization of marijuana because movies such as Half-Baked and those starring Cheech and Chong would not be as humorous. France's Oppression Against Religion I oppose the ban of overtly religious attire in France because I have a fetish for women in uniform. Women in the Military I support w...
August 6, 2004 by messybuu
Here's a simply question: Why is it that John F. Kerry is praised for the atrocities he committed in Vietnam, yet Lyndie England is chastised severely for the atrocities she committed in Iraq? I’ve thought about this for some time, and I still can’t find the answer. Is it because she’s a) a woman, female, or c) not a man? Personally, I think that if John F. Kerry’s status as a war criminal makes him worthy of the title of President, the same should hold true for all war criminals, even if the...
July 28, 2004 by messybuu
After watching The Daily Show today, I learned that George W. Bush really is a uniter and not a divider. During Jon Stewart's interview Jon with a Democrat senator, the senator stated that Democrats are now united. When Jon asks why, only one name comes to the senator’s mind: not John Kerry’s, John Edward’s, or Howard Dean’s. According to senator, the man responsible for the unity of the Democrats is George W. Bush. Next time somebody tells you that George W. Bush is a divider, remind them th...
July 15, 2004 by messybuu
Lately, I've noticed much venom from the anti-war people concerning the war and occupation in Iraq. I understand their frustration with the lack of WMD stockpiles. It's completely valid to say that Bush exagerated the Iraqi threat. However, I don't understand what compels them to treat the war and occupation as a dismal failure, a complete mistake, inhumane, something that should have never happened, etc. The way they speak of the war and occupation leads me to believe that they want Iraq to ...
June 5, 2004 by messybuu
I promise, this is my last blog entry for the evening. Why the War on Cancer Must End Billions of dollars is spent on the war on cancer, with very little to show for it. Millions die yearly. In the years it has been active, the War on Cancer has had relatively little success. Cancer can never be stopped completely. It's our own damn fault cancer is so widespread in the first place! Also, because I have some more to say about war... Take Our Troops Out of Germany! Bring them ba...
May 20, 2004 by messybuu
It's funny how ironic people can be. Janeane Garofalo, on the Daily Show, noted how polarized the country is, and Jon Stewart something about people becoming as fanatical as those they oppose, and Janeane Garofalo then states that voting for Bush is a character flaw, for many reasons including the fact that he's religious. It must be, after all, since she hates Bush with a fanatical passion and would vote for Hussein before she'd vote for Bush. She then went on a rant in an attempt to justify ...
May 9, 2004 by messybuu
Something I often hear that bothers me is that the general American public consists of sheepish slaves to the media. This statement is often said by somebody who loves politics and tends to treat them as one would treat sports, fighting for their home team and demonizing others. What I've noticed though is that somebody who's passionate about politics isn't necessarily intelligent about politics and somebody who doesn't give a rat's ass about politics isn't necessarily a slave to the media. The ...