Sorry, Stardock. My money's going elsewhere!
Published on February 23, 2005 By messybuu In Customization Software

I was a user of Object Desktop by Stardock for the last three years. I never regreted the purchase. With Stardock’s consistent updating of its software, the quality, thhe cool new features they’d always have in betas, it made my PC much more entertaining and useful!

However, this month, I have decided that I will not renew my membership to Object Desktop. In fact, I will not use it ever again!

Think I’m wrong for this? Well, after reading this, you will agree that I should not waste another dollar on Object Desktop!

Firstly, I am no longer on a PC. Having two computers was unnecessary for what I do (nothing), and I could accomplish more if I used only one computer. Besides, my brother needed a new PC, so I gave him that and fully embraced my one true love, my iBook.

Why does this matter? Well, Object Desktop is not compatible with OS X, Apple’s operating system for the Mac. In other words, there is no way I could even use programs such as WindowBlinds and DesktopX on my computer. In fact, OS X doesn’t run programs at all! It runs applications, which are like programs, but with a different name.

Even if it could run programs, I still wouldn’t waste my money on Object Desktop. Like the Monk, I suffer from OCD (and I remember everything). Everything has to be perfect, and the options that Object Desktop would provide me would cause far too much stress on me. I didn’t suffer from customizing Windows, since it’s inherently messy, but OS X is arguably perfect, and so there’s not much I could do to improve it. Anything I changed would be changed back to the default soon after. That’s why I don’t use Konfabulator, CandyBar, or ShapeShifter, even though I purchased all three applications!

So, as you can see, it would not be prudent for me to renew my membership to Object Desktop Network. I’m sure I’ll make some people angry by posting this, and I’m sure some of you will disagree, but none of you can deny that I have made some valid points for not purchasing Object Desktop or any other Stardock program ever again (assuming they don’t ever develop any Mac applications)! However, if you can convince me to change my mind, then I’ll happily renew my membership!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 24, 2005
Oh, and Jafo, I have no clue what you're talking about, but apps/proggys are same thing. I believe right in the WB dialog there's a section that's labled PER-APPLICATION!
on Feb 24, 2005
Um, meowy, you might want to read the whole thread before posting. Jafo was quoting the original post. If you read the rest of his post, you will also see he was laughing at the attempt at a distinction between "applications" and "programs". BTW, do you think it might be possible that an admin just might know the difference between the two?
on Feb 24, 2005
Oh, hehe. Then messybuu is quite off track in the computer world. I think the word 'applications' is even in the Windows XP Start Here guide!
on Feb 24, 2005
mb, good to see you're still nuts, keep it up.
on Feb 24, 2005
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this forum a part of "win" Why would you be posting somthing so blatantly damning of a windows "application" on a windows advocating site if you are such a mac convert. Why not just go create your own site...

You do realize that this is a blog on JoeUser do you? JoeUser is a blogsite, not a Windows site, so posts about Macs fit into JoeUser just as much as posts about Windows and kitty cats. I don't like the linking between JU and WC myself, but unfortunately there is no option implemented where a blog author can syndicate his blog to the JU forum without it showing up on the WC forum either.
on Feb 24, 2005
This is like going on a tirade to Ford saying "I will never again buy a Ford Focus becuase I have 6 kids now so I need a minivan!" Why blame the Focus? Settle down and go about your business.
on Feb 24, 2005
Actually JU and WC are linked. I know articles from here show up there. It probably works the other way around too. Messy could very well have posted this through WinCustomize.
on Feb 24, 2005
uh ... ok

The apps vs. progs is pretty funny
on Feb 24, 2005
BTW, do you think it might be possible that an admin just might know the difference between the two?

Depends, probably more so in the private sector than govt. And don't forget about some you'll find here Link

on Feb 24, 2005
This little tirade is one of the funniest things I've seen posted here in awhile...
(sigh)-it just keeps gettin' better and better..
on Feb 24, 2005
I forgot, I bought CursorXP Plus so I won't be using the free version anymore. I'm sure someone here will agree that it doesn't need to be shown in my SDC anymore. Please remove it.

on Feb 24, 2005
i could care about this topic if i had OS X, but the thing is, not everyone has the kind of money to spend on a mac, and even if i did, i prob wouldnt buy one. macs dont really have great 'application' support. meaning i cant run a load of my software on there. sure they are really well designed, but if it had the software support, then id be more eager to get a mac
on Feb 24, 2005
The problem with converting from PC to Mac (or from Mac to PC) isn't so much that there aren't a lot of applications, as there are maybe not as many as for Windows but there are nevertheless plenty, but the real problem is having to repurchase all the software you already have. A new version of Photoshop, a new version of Office, a new version of all the software you purchased. Quite costly and that could eventually translate into a cost superior to that of the computer itself.
on Feb 24, 2005
I need to use the restroom. Specifically, #2. I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW I HAVE NO FURTHER NEED FOR STANDING UP TO USE THE RESTROOM FOR THE TIME BEING. That said, have a good night.
on Feb 24, 2005
I sort of don't get the thread... if you are using a MAC only then you would not need to renew Object Desktop because it works on PC's.

So why would you renew for a set of programs that don't work on your OS?
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