Sorry, Stardock. My money's going elsewhere!
Published on February 23, 2005 By messybuu In Customization Software

I was a user of Object Desktop by Stardock for the last three years. I never regreted the purchase. With Stardock’s consistent updating of its software, the quality, thhe cool new features they’d always have in betas, it made my PC much more entertaining and useful!

However, this month, I have decided that I will not renew my membership to Object Desktop. In fact, I will not use it ever again!

Think I’m wrong for this? Well, after reading this, you will agree that I should not waste another dollar on Object Desktop!

Firstly, I am no longer on a PC. Having two computers was unnecessary for what I do (nothing), and I could accomplish more if I used only one computer. Besides, my brother needed a new PC, so I gave him that and fully embraced my one true love, my iBook.

Why does this matter? Well, Object Desktop is not compatible with OS X, Apple’s operating system for the Mac. In other words, there is no way I could even use programs such as WindowBlinds and DesktopX on my computer. In fact, OS X doesn’t run programs at all! It runs applications, which are like programs, but with a different name.

Even if it could run programs, I still wouldn’t waste my money on Object Desktop. Like the Monk, I suffer from OCD (and I remember everything). Everything has to be perfect, and the options that Object Desktop would provide me would cause far too much stress on me. I didn’t suffer from customizing Windows, since it’s inherently messy, but OS X is arguably perfect, and so there’s not much I could do to improve it. Anything I changed would be changed back to the default soon after. That’s why I don’t use Konfabulator, CandyBar, or ShapeShifter, even though I purchased all three applications!

So, as you can see, it would not be prudent for me to renew my membership to Object Desktop Network. I’m sure I’ll make some people angry by posting this, and I’m sure some of you will disagree, but none of you can deny that I have made some valid points for not purchasing Object Desktop or any other Stardock program ever again (assuming they don’t ever develop any Mac applications)! However, if you can convince me to change my mind, then I’ll happily renew my membership!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 23, 2005
LoL..Unfortunatley..I dont think anyone really cares..

Sorry if that seems cruel or a bit too blunt, but im told that there are over 1.8 million users of one form or another of Stardocks products, losing one customer, who has such valid reasons isnt going to cause them lose sleep.

Good Luck to you,
Take Care,
on Feb 23, 2005

In fact, OS X doesn’t run programs at all! It runs applications, which are like programs, but with a different name.

Haven't laughed so much in ages....

on Feb 23, 2005
This is a joke, right?

on Feb 23, 2005
Why would anyone care to change your mind? we don't get any commission...
on Feb 23, 2005
If you like it buy it if you don't then don't very simple.
on Feb 23, 2005
And the point of your post is ......?
on Feb 23, 2005
Hmmm... I have an iMac G5 20" and a Windows XP laptop. When I need to work, I'm on my XP laptop. When I want to play games, I'm on my XP laptop. When I want to look at (admittedly) nice, smooth, incredibly smooth graphics, I'll go sit at the iMac G5.

That's not to say that you can't work or play games on an iMac [Colloquy is the definition of what an IRC client should be], it's just that I am a bit more productive on my XP laptop. And on *this* laptop, I like running Stardock programs - such as ObjectDock Plus, Desktop X, WindowBlinds, and Multiplicity (with an OS X client soon hopefully!) However, if you are only using a Mac, why would you continue purchasing programs meant only for PCs?

"applications, which are like programs" HAHAHAHAHAH. Good one!
on Feb 23, 2005
teh funneh!
on Feb 23, 2005
ummm lets see...

Apple = What You See Is What You Get

PC = What You Skin Is What You See

i dunno it's a tuffie

on Feb 23, 2005
You have OCD, and your nick is messybuu...... that's almost as funny as your "applications are like programs with a different name".
on Feb 23, 2005
You and your true love should keep it PG. Skinning is a personal preference. Skin if you want, not if you don't. You wont sway anyone with a self righteous rant. People will do what they find to be best.
on Feb 23, 2005
I do believe the program is called windowblinds for a reason.
on Feb 23, 2005
Question: should OS-X programmers change their names to "applicators" to be politically-correct?

Why on earth you felt the great need to justify to forum members your decision not to renew your subscription to Object Desktop is enigmatic. It makes me wonder if, deep down inside, you have some issues with buyer's remorse (or perhaps just disappointed once you learned your ibook doesn't support Object Desktop-like appplications), and are, through your post, attempting more to justify your recent purchase to yourself and not so much your decision to leave Stardock behind to the rest of us. Your elaboration on your decision is, furthermore, completely unnecessary: something like, "I bought a Mac. I can't use Object Desktop anymore." would have been completely sufficient (although, again, I'm not sure why you would feel the need to even post this information).

All-in-all, I truly hope you are pleased with your ibook. It's a sweet machine, whether it runs programs or apps. Congrats. In the meantime, I'll continue to slog through my day looking at Mako. Ahh, heaven.

on Feb 23, 2005
No Wait! Bebi that isnt right..Window blinds APPLY the Blinds..that would make it an application..right??
(sorry. I couldnt resist..I tried to be *very good)

on Feb 23, 2005
This is kinda funny. But REALLY, why would you need a program that runs on a PC if you don't own a PC anymore?

So, it make sense to me that you don't resubscribe. Why subscribe to something that only works on a PC?
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