Do you really support the right of women to choose what to do with their own bodies?
When one speaks of abortion, the common argument from pro-choicers is that since the fetus is inside a woman's body, only she should decide whether or not she wants to keep it. After all, it would be wrong for us to tell a woman what to do with her own body. However, are pro-choicers really pro-choice or just pro-abortion? Find out if you're really pro-choice or willing to take away a woman's choice with this fancy quiz I designed!
Pro-Choice or Pro-Abortion?
Simply decide whether or not you agree with the following statements.
1. Women should have the right to have abortions if they so desire.
2. Women should have the right to have their brother's or father's child.
3. Women should have the right to genetically engineer the fetus inside them to their liking.
4. Women should have the right to take as many drugs as they desire while they are pregnant.
5. Women should have the right to stab the area in which the womb resides while they are pregnant. IGNORE THIS STATEMENT
6. Women should have the right to have an abortion performed by a shady unlicensed abortionist.
7. Women should have the right to drive an ice pick through the head of a fetus from her body.
Wasn't that easy? If you agreed with every statement, then congratulations! You do honestly believe that women should have sole control over their bodies, and for that, you earn my respect. However, if you disagreed with any statement, then you are a hypocrite that would happily steal a woman's right over her own body to promote your own agenda.