Segregation is still in our society.
Published on February 26, 2004 By messybuu In Current Events

The recent discussions about whether or not homosexuals should be allowed to marry have sparked many to claim that refusing homosexuals the right to wed is equivalent to the segregation laws that took place in the South. After some thought, I realized that segregation still does exist in our world. There are many ways in which segregation still strangles our society, and if we truly want to end this Jim Crow mentality, then we should abolish this behavior that "separate but equal" is all right.

Here are just a few samples of segregation:

  1. Separate bathrooms for males and females.

  2. Separate locker rooms for males and females.

  3. Separate showers for males and females.

  4. Separate departments for males and females in clothing stores.

These are some of the most blatant acts of "separate but equal" facilities to drive a wedge between the genders. I see no difference between segregating bathrooms, locker rooms, gyms, etc. by genders and segregating them by race. It's not as if males and females are unable to use the same bathrooms, clothes, and showers, as they often do in our homes.

So what's the deal? Why do we continue to uphold the will of the KKK and support segregation?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 26, 2004
I for one would totally support men and women sharing bath rooms, showers, etc.
on Feb 26, 2004
The only reasonable reason I can come up with for separate departments in stores for men and women is, they don't wear the same clothes--sizes or styles, and that's a pretty good reason if you think of it.. How many guys would want their socks next to womens' pink purses? And how many women would want their bras next to mens' thongs?

on Feb 26, 2004
Can I finally have a gynecologist too !! Separate but equal my azzz! I'm with you 100% Blog on Messy
on Feb 26, 2004
Well, I, like Brad, am all for unisex toilet's and locker rooms, but, and let's face it here, the reason there are different departments is because there are different styles.  However, how many men would be willing to wait in the same line women do in order to use a public bathroom?
on Feb 26, 2004
Well, I can see why women and men would have two different bathrooms, etc.,. Men are different than women.

Look at bathroom behaviors: Most men don't talk or even look at each other in bathrooms..It's a quick in, quick out, wash your hands..and get out.
Women go to the bathroom in gaggles..Gossip, etc.,. It's like a social gathering and a pit stop, rolled in one. I don't see that the two behavior patterns would work too well.
Guys would feel uncomfortable being spoke to/around..(not all guys, don't go around protesting my statement. I'm speaking from personal experience, here )
And women wouldn't want what little bathroom humor guys have to interrupt their conversations, anyways. Not to mention the possiblity for extreme lewdness. Men and women can't behave as is with things seperate. Just imagine the chaos! lol Would make for interesting noises, for sure. >

Seperate departments in stores is so that you can narrow down what you're looking for. Guys (most of them) home in..grab..and go.
Women go on and on and on..Which is okay, just different. You might want to take the time to find your clothes..guys don't need bras and panties interrupting their semi-coherent blinder-induced race to get a new pair of pants. (Yes, I'm being extreme here in the generalizations, but stay with me on this one)

I think you get my point lol We're different, biologically and mentally. I don't think men are any less than woman, but definitly different, ergo..Seperate.
on Feb 26, 2004
The first thing the women are going to say is, those ugly things gotta go----urinals i mean!
on Feb 26, 2004
Having been in building maintanance for the last forty years I worked,I did a lot of repairs in ladies rooms.The biggest problem I see is in Identifyiny the graffitti. share the urinals I say---charlie poore
on Feb 26, 2004
I, too, am fully in support of unisex facilities. Purely for the sake of equality, of course. *coughs loudly*

on Feb 27, 2004
(I am hijacking this thread to make a statement..)

I want points for being a article killer. (Go back and view those which usually hit 50+)..I'm usually the last person to reply. Does my breath smell that bad? Heh, double coupon points for he who watches intently!!

(You may now return to your regularly scheduled article)
on Feb 27, 2004
Sure, Dan..Sake of Equality... Let me add that to my list of things: How many women would feel safe changing in a room with 6 other men helt bent on getting a free show come hell or high water? lol

And Second of All: How many men would loiter in the unisex bathroom to catch a free show? Work productivity would be DOWN LOL
on Feb 27, 2004
I hate sharing the bathroom with anyone. I don't want people smelling me and I sure don't wanna smell them. Keep one thing in mind, we're not dogs, we're people. At least I think some of us still are. GCJ
on Feb 27, 2004
Hmm. That would open up to all kinds of peeping tom events. It's also much easier way for sickos to rape women, since they can be in same place, if unosex restroom with more than one factities.
on Feb 27, 2004
I think that if the fact that some men might harass women is a valid argument for segregation, then the fact that some homosexual men might harass heterosexual men is a valid argument to segregate people not only by gender, but also by sexuality.
I hate sharing the bathroom with anyone. I don't want people smelling me and I sure don't wanna smell them. Keep one thing in mind, we're not dogs, we're people. At least I think some of us still are. GCJ

That's why I don't use public restrooms.
on Feb 27, 2004
Instead of Seperate But Equal..let's call it Equal but Different
on Feb 27, 2004
I read over the responses to this post and I'm assuming you took it all as a joke. I thought it was serious when I read it but now I'm not so sure. Saying that men and women are still segregated is a pretty ridiculous argument, especially since it has nothing to do with gay marriage. I mean, they don't allow 90-year-olds in kindergarten and they don't allow 5-year-olds in nursing homes. Is that segregation? I think separate bathrooms is pretty much because some people would rather not think that some man or woman could just stick their head under a door and see you peeing. Same with showers, dressing rooms, and any other place where a person has an expectation of privacy. But going back to the whole segregation thing, next you'll be saying that churches are segregated because they are divided by religion or that hospitals are segregated because they separate people by severity of injuries. I know, you were just making a joke. I'm just saying some people, myself included, might not realize you're immediately joking. But reading over it now, I say it's pretty funny.
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