"The Apprentice" might give society a reason to end women's suffrage.
Published on February 12, 2004 By messybuu In Movies & TV & Books
I've never seen The Apprentice, but I've seen commercials of it, and now that I've read this article on Slate, it is clear to me that the commercials didn't even show a fraction of the slutty ways of the female competitors. If this was American Idol, where people are judged by sex appeal (everybody knows that if Ruben were a woman, his fat ass would never have even been allowed inside the building), but it isn't, which is why the female competitors, who rely solely on what they've learned from their college years, can only be accurately described as "total whores."
Maybe I'm old-fashioned, being born in '82 and all, but don't jobs in huge corporations, even those owned by Donald Trump, require some sort of etiquette that differs slightly from that of being one of the Juggies on The Man Show (not that Juggies are "whores" like these "businesswomen" because they're actually doing their job and they're doing it well). Besides, do these women actually believe that they will be able to keep a steady white-collar job or be treated as anything but a sex object with these antics?
Hopefully, these women won't win the show, and learn that if they want to act like whores, they should join a brothel in Vegas. Better yet, hopefully the producers of the show made sure to choose the worst women they could find (as is often the case with such shows), because if the average woman is like these women (or almost any other woman on reality TV shows), then it's clear that women don't need all them rights and respect for which they fought for so long.
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on Feb 12, 2004
It's interesting you say this for not seeing the show. The women have already been 'chastised' once for using their sexuality to win the contests. Trump basically said you can't run a company on sex.
on Feb 12, 2004
Ok, after actually READING the linked article, I don't necessarily agree with everything Slate says. For instance, Slate mentions that Trump totally disregards the woman advisor. To be fair, he ignores her just as much as he ingores the male advisor.

There is no doubt the woman have the advantage in terms of using thier sexuality and it has hurt the men's chances. It will be interesting to see exactly how Trump will set up trials in the future that minimize the impact of sexuality.
on Feb 12, 2004
It must really make a smart girl like you rather angry at the atittudes displayed by the majority of females today...

We all know sex sells... but as long as woman use this to their advantage, they will never get any respect from me... every time i see another TV show like the one you describe (i haven't seen that one) my esteem for woman goes down a notch...

At the same time, my esteem for some men is severely depleted because they are so gullible, and always fall for the fluttering eyebrows and pouting lips... idiots.
on Feb 12, 2004
I saw him or one of his partners say that in the commercial, and I have to say that I really respected that.
I also don't agree with everything in the article either, but it did show me the extent to which the women went in prostituting themselves.
on Feb 12, 2004
Trump, minimize sexuality?
Minimize anything?
Have you seen the eye-candy he dates, marries, divorces, dates....

I have heard a few interviews he has given. I do not think "small" is in his vocabulary.

The Trump Tower, Trump Shuttle, the Trump Taj Mahal.

He has truly improved his lot in life and he knows what works and what sells.

I'm just waiting for the new state: Trumpania.

on Feb 12, 2004
Sex sells... sex also cells... but that's not what this is about... yet...

This is not about sex. The women using sex to gain an advantage is NOT about sex. Do i have your attention yet? Let's take a walk. This is a competition. There is a prize on the line. The contestants are obviously not all playing by the same set of rules. The article mentions the men "growing up in an age of 'political correctness' ", and that they appear to be at least making an attempt to "play fair". The women on the other hand, can see opportunity at their fingertips, and are not about to let that opportunity slip away. And it's not about their sexuality. It's about doing whatever it takes to win. If the men could get away with it, they would be doing the exact same thing! Because that's what we've become in this society. A bunch of people that are willing to do whatever it takes to win... whatever it takes to be successful. Even if that means lying, cheating, stealing, or using your big boobs to do it. I'm forced to believe that it's our denial of God in Heaven that has led to the severe degradation of ethics and morality in our society.

Like so many other conflicts and debates that we all enjoy so much, it's a matter of knowing where to draw the line. Consider if you will the following truth:

Smart managers/owners hire attractive cashiers to work in their stores. An attractive young girl will get the job 99 out of 100 times over a more qualified but less attractive one. Do i have any research to back this up? Go to the mall... Is it sexist? yes. is it wrong? prob'ly. Does it make them money? yes. Is it a good business practice? you tell me. Any man reading this (that's not gay) will hopefully admit that they are drawn to good looking women. They choose the longer of two lines to be checked out by the cute cashier. They'll get involved in something they don't like, to be close to the cute girl that's doing it. They'll go out of there way to impress the hot young girl and ignore the unattractive one. Are all men guilty of this? Nope. are most of us guilty? you bet.

no matter how much power and influence a man has, the majority of them can be brought to their knees by a beautiful woman. If they're drinking and hanging out in a pack, they'll take out another mortgage on their home just to finance their lust for the stripper that's antagonizing them. (that's why i stay out of strip clubs... hehehe)

so now that i've ranted and raved, i'm gonna climb down off my soap box and be the real me. I'm guilty. I've let women use sex to get what they wanted from me. There's a gal in Iowa from my 'hometown' that i would drive a burning car through a lake of gasoline to get to. She's the most beautiful woman i've ever dated, and could have anything that she wanted from me if it was in my power to give it to her. And she's dating someone else. How does she feel about me? i don't know... you ask her. Are we ever going to get together? no, prob'ly not. But she'll always be there in the back of my mind haunting me. (it's been 10 years and she hasn't let up yet) There's a gal in my algebra class that i'd do just about anything for. (no, i wouldn't cheat for her... i'm not THAT pathetic) What can i say? i'm a sucker for a gorgeous woman.

My point is that i'm guilty of being influenced by sex. And truth be told, most of you are too. It DOES make the world go 'round. And even the most hardcore women's rights activists could use a good screw once in a while...

But it's not about sex. Well, not entirely. It's about doing whatever it takes to win. Wait, I already said that.

how far would you go?
on Feb 12, 2004
A brothel in vegas - that is hillarious! Steady white-collar jobs / sex-objects / antics - pure gold. All them rights and respect - I'm doubled with "laughter".

Even though you are just going for points by replies I'm still clicking insightful for the well written satire.

on Feb 12, 2004
Ah... Imajinit... looks like we have lost another brother...

I admire chicks as much as the ext guy... but just because she is hot, she doesn't get my respect...

I guess i am blessed, beacuse i have always been able to think with my big head, rather than my other one

A beautiful chick will often walk up to you in a bar, and ask me to buy her a drink... i must really look like a sucker... but you cant get the smile of my face when i tell them to get their own drink, and get me one while they are at it... Its not often hot girls get treated like this... you should try it some time, i think you will find it rewarding... over 50% of the time they will actually hang out with you, and you will get to know them... the rest is up to you.

Chicks need to impress me before i am buying them a drink.. and they aren't going to do that with looks... heck, if i want to buy someone a drink because they are good looking, i will just purchase myself a beverage.

on Feb 12, 2004
i hear what you're saying Muggaz, and i know that you're right. Unfortunately, women don't come up to me in a bar and ask me to buy them a drink... I don't look like Quasimoto or anything, but i'm no Mel Gibson either, so i'm the one going up to them if any contact is going to be made. But for the record, there's a balance of power in every relationship. I'm looking for a woman that will be happy with that balance of power being even. That's why I would never date the 'chic' in Iowa that i'm stupid over. She would have too much power. When a chic comes up to you in a bar and asks you to buy her a drink, she's seeking power. (the power of influencing you to buy her a drink) when you tell her to get her own, you're seizing the power, and intriguing her in the same moment. She then sticks around, hoping to find a way to gain back some of it. It's all a big game, and anyone who says different can stick it. i don't like the game, and that's why i don't hang out in bars much anymore. I'm looking for the aforementioned "balance of power" in a relationship, and i know i'm not going to find it there. but we all have a different perspective don't we?
on Feb 12, 2004


on Feb 12, 2004
That was most entertaining, muggaz & imajnit:)

And as for a response... there are things to be said of beautiful women will to... work... for their success.


on Feb 13, 2004
As a totally irrelevant statement of fact: Brothels are illegal in Vegas. (Not to say there aren't some illegal ones in operation anyway.) "Brothel in Nevada" would have been more accurate.

Gene <--- Feeling picky tonight.
on Feb 13, 2004
I dunno, I have to wonder if the roles were reversed if men wouldn't do the same thing; men like Trump, anyway. He would probably respect it as a level of ruthlessness.

I don't agree with it, but everything is quantified in business, every demographic detail from subliminal psychology to Feng Shui. Our style of dress effects our interaction at the biological level, so it would be hard to believe that sex *wouldn't* be used when no other scruple is exercised. If it gives them a tenth of a percent of edge, no doubt there are enough people that value that tenth of a percent to stoop.

I would imagine that the sex card would need to be played as deftly as any other. I can't imagine just walking around rubbing silicone on everyone would be enough. In strategic amounts, though, it would probably be seen no differently than one businessman being subtly physically intimidating to another. It won't do the job by itself, but it might edge you out. If they don't overplay it, it would be difficult to even address it punitively.

The shame is that men don't recognize manipulation, or recognize it and don't care.

on Feb 13, 2004
I've watched every episode of the show because I find it more interesting than the pathetically fake survivor, or real world or the likes. As people have said, Trump is getting frustrated with the women which is why he split the teams. In the beginning it was men vs. women and the women cleaned house. They used their sex to sell and quite a few other things. They DID have pretty good business knowledge, I'd say a little better then the men but they needed something more. Whats that? Sex. It gave them the advantage. Trump saw that and he let them use it. However, after the Hard Rock Cafe episode they took it a bit too far and he made the teams mix, men and women in both "corporations."

Its been quite a bit more even now. The women can't just use their sexaliness, which, when you get down to it, is realistic in the corporate levels that Trump plays in. Sex might help big time in selling items (cars, iPods, cell phones, etc.) but it doesn't help to run a multi-million corporation.


Hell, I'm all for people using whatever advantages they have. Just when they get called on it don't squeal.
on Feb 20, 2004
No relation, but this ones for you messy boo!!!


Sorry for being a smart ass... it's all good... its what makes this place fun

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