I didn't intend to surf the Internet today, but I spotted an article in Saturday's local newspaper,
The Modesto Bee, that really irked me. Madison Hatton, 9, was collecting cans to pay the $100 needed to participate in the American Cancer Society's annual Relay for Life. Although she could have went door-to-door asking for donations, she thought it was better to raise the money on her own, which is honorable, considering that
men decades older beg shamelessly for other people's money. Sadly, some individuals decided that the $40 of cans that she raised suited them better. Whether they felt justified to steal from a child believing that the ownership of property is an evil burgeois idea, that those who work hard are obligated to give their wealth to the "less fortunate," or that "the bitch had it coming," one will never know. However, what I know is that only the liberals will be demanding that the thieves be treated with compassion whilst ignoring the victims.