Communists for Cry Compassion for the Capers
Published on February 10, 2004 By messybuu In Current Events
I didn't intend to surf the Internet today, but I spotted an article in Saturday's local newspaper, The Modesto Bee, that really irked me. Madison Hatton, 9, was collecting cans to pay the $100 needed to participate in the American Cancer Society's annual Relay for Life. Although she could have went door-to-door asking for donations, she thought it was better to raise the money on her own, which is honorable, considering that men decades older beg shamelessly for other people's money. Sadly, some individuals decided that the $40 of cans that she raised suited them better. Whether they felt justified to steal from a child believing that the ownership of property is an evil burgeois idea, that those who work hard are obligated to give their wealth to the "less fortunate," or that "the bitch had it coming," one will never know. However, what I know is that only the liberals will be demanding that the thieves be treated with compassion whilst ignoring the victims.
on Feb 10, 2004
I was hoping I'd get a chance to reply to one of your articles. I've remembered your name ever since I saw a comment you made on another blog. A comment that I just can't forget. It's interesting that you are trying to turn a robbery into what you are trying to turn it into. Interesting that your sentence about men begging links to a Socialist site. But then again, I shouldn't be surprised. In case you are wondering, here is the comment I couldn't forget.

Reply By: Messy Buu Posted: Monday, January 05, 2004
Welfare is what keeps the poor around, which brings the statistical percentage of upward mobility down. Before, in the fifties, it wasn't as much of a problem, since poor people did not have as much opportunity to sustain their livelihood. What I'm saying, if we want statistics to look good on upward mobility again, then we have to kill poor people. After all, compare a place that helps the homeless such an California with a state without any help for homeless people. Which one has a worse homeless problem?
I'm not saying that's a good thing, but if people really think it's worse now, then we should make it more like how it was before welfare.
on Feb 10, 2004
Now that I read that comment, it seems that I did clearly state my point at the end of article. I don't know why people miss it.
on Feb 11, 2004
What point do you think people are missing? I can't speak for others but the sentence about the poor being killed blocked out everything else. I tried to see if you were using sarcasm, but from your other comments, and this article, I don't sense sarcasm. I'm just trying to understand here.
on Feb 11, 2004
Taking a sentence out of context has never been something one should do. I also did explain my point, which is why it's getting tiresome to hear people complain about that comment.