Research is half of writing!
Published on February 23, 2005 By messybuu In Religion

As many of you might know, I’m a Christian. I wasn’t always one though. In fact, I’ve only recently welcomed the Lord into my life again, which is why it wasn’t until earlier this month that I started reading the Bible again (the Super Bowl episode of the Simpsons is what actually got me to start reading it regularly).

I’m still in the beginning of Genesis, but I’ve already learned many things (and remembering a few things from when my mother would read the Bible to my brother and me). Here are a few of the things I learned that I’d like to share with others:


Just because it is in the Bible does not mean that God approves of it. To suggest so would be equivalent to suggesting that historians who write of the Holocaust approve of the Holocaust. As P. Diddy once said: “Don’t make an ass out of yourself by assuming!”

Righteous, Not Perfect

Even the righteous have problems. A great example of a sinful righteous man was Lot, who wasn’t a wicked person, but definitely did do things that he shouldn’t have. I feel a bit like Lot at the moment, except my daughters haven’t had sex with me.

Origin of Vegetarianism

Adam and Eve were vegetarians! This surprised me. I didn’t realize that God didn’t allow us to eat animals until after the flood.


Pangaea might be mentioned in Genesis! Answers in Genesis, the place to which I usually go when I have a question concerning the Bible, has no comment on it, but other sites I’ve read did agree with me that Genesis 10:25 refers to Pangaea: “Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.”


The destruction of Sodom and Gomorra is my favorite story so far. It’s not because God killed homosexuals. It’s because of what God said to Abraham in Genesis 18:17: “Then the LORD said, ‘Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?’” I might be misinterpreting it, but I feel much closer to God after reading it. From his acknowledgment of Abraham’s concern for Lot to the rescue of Lot, it’s here where I finally understood that God cares for us.

Importance of Sacrifices

I think I might finally understand the reason for sacrifices. It seems that they were proof of one’s devotion to God by sacrificing one’s dearest possessions (such as Abel did with his finest flock) to Him.

Modern Applications

I know now not to apply today’s standards to the past. For example, it grosses out some people that Cain and Seth mated with their sisters, but what other options did they have? Besides, it was a much different time. One might as well complain about the lack of bill of rights, minimum wage laws, union laws, lack of public libraries, and right to trial by jury in those times.

I’m only 1% completed with the Bible, so there’s definitely much more for me to learn. If Genesis is any indicator, I’ll be a completely different person by the end of the year!

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