While browsing channels, I happened upon "A Charlie Brown Christmas." I enjoyed Peanuts as a child, so I decided to watch it. That was a mistake! Not only did they air vile words such as "God," but they even described Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Christ! They even spoke of being religious as a virtue! How could such an offensive program be aired on television? And to claim that a woman's breast at a Super Bowl is offensive? Boy, was I pissed!
When I revived from my heart attack, I realized something that prevented a second one. Sure, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" might be offensively religious, but such Christmas specials are extinct nowadays. You won't hear about Jesus and other religious bullshit on animated Christmas specials today. They're too busy pimping new merchandise for spoiled children to throw tantrums over! Gotta buy new limited edition Santa Pikachu for a special price of only $49.99 to be a true Pokemon Judokai Master! If your parents love you, they'll buy you two!
It's satisfying to know that religion is almost completely out of Christmas and consumerism is the demon seed that will replace it. Everybody loves Wal-Mart, right? Boy, Christmas sure has evolved from its primitive Christian roots.* I can't wait until they whore Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
* I know somebody will mention that many of the practices synonymous with Christmas today originated with Pagans, but that's not the point. Might as well point out that limited edition Santa Pikachu is only $49.95.