Let's face it. Sex education doesn't work. Teen pregnancy is still rampant and as the Media advertises sex to children as something they cannot live without, it will become much more common. I don't care how often you tell somebody about condoms. Many of them won't deal with such obstructive devices and the ones that do won't always use them correctly. That is why we must embrace other methods to prevent teen pregnancy. Here is a way the nation can reduce teen pregnancy:
Prostitutes for Teenagers
One way to reduce teenage pregnancy would be to have the government provide professional prostitutes for male students in schools. These prostitutes would not only relieve the sexual desires that will kill a teenage boy if left untempered, but they would also ensure the proper usage of contraceptives. With enough prostitutes to satisfy the teenage boys, there will be no teen pregnancy as the boys will be too busy having sex with prostitutes to have sex with teenage girls.
Not only would prostitutes for teenagers guarantee a reduction in teen pregnancy, but it would also make schools much more peaceful. I'm absolutely positive that if the two students who committed the massacre in Columbine High School were busy having sex with prostitutes instead of garnering hatred for their peers, they would not have committed such an atrocious action. Knowing this, not supporting my plan means you want children to die. That is why we must have subsidized prostitution for our children.