Just Say No to Hormones
Published on December 1, 2004 By messybuu In Current Events

I really hate anti-drug commercials. Whoever writes them must have not had their testes drop yet. Why do I say that? Let me describe the most recent anti-drug commercial I say: In it, a teenager walks home and sees his younger brother on the porch and ignores him. He ignores him throughout the day. His father tries to persuade him to be nicer to his brother, but he bluntly asks: "Who cares about some stupid birthday part?" His father replies, "He cares." He retorts, "So what?" and walks into his room. The screen fades and the disembodied voice says, "You'll never forget the people you hurt when you were high."

What the Hell? You mean the teenager was high? It looked to me like a typical teenager with a typical teenage attitude. Is the commercial implying that every teenager in the world becomes mouthy and disrespectful to their family because they smoke marijuana? I certainly don't remember smoking as a teenager, but perhaps that's due to the memory loss from so much toking.

on Dec 01, 2004
Oh man - this is the sort of shit that made my folks go through my room at 15. Moody? check. Disagreeable? Check. Uncommunicative? Check. Well.... she must be on drugs - what else?

You know what they found? Cigarettes. Yes, I know, not good for a 15 year old, but I wasn't kicking back with the bongs, nor licking pages of tabs, nor taking pills. Man! If every cranky teenager was accused of drugs, we would have all been done for. Idiot government.

Suz xxx