Phrases such as "In God We Trust" and "Under God" don't bother most of us, but that's because most of us are ignorant bumpkins who want to turn the nation into a theocracy. That's why I shall look through the eyes of an enlightened one to understand why the United States of America needs to change from its theocratic ways.
In the Mind of an Enlightened One
We're not unreasonable because we demand that all religious symbols be removed from the government. No, we're only unreasonable because we're not serious about it. Sure, we complain about blatant symbols in government, such as "In God We Trust" on our money, but we completely ignore the other religious symbols our government embraces. Why? Perhaps we're too stupid to understand the connotative or perhaps we're just looking for something to bitch about. Either way, there's much more the government must change besides "In God We Trust" before it can be an establishment free of religious influence.
- Besides "In God We Trust" on American money, there is also a Latin phrase that mentions God and a picture of the All-Seeing Eye, which represents the "Great Architect of the Universe," who is obviously God. Everytime I read the Latin and see the All-Seeing Eye, I get totally pissed off!
- The Declaration of Independence mentions "the Creator," who is also obviously God! If I could, I'd burn that fucking document, because it pisses me off so much!
- Christmas, Hanukkah, and Ramadan are all religious holidays. Even the Winter Solstice itself is celebrated religiously by some Pagans. However, that hasn't stopped the government from celebrating the season! The government has no right celebrating such holidays! The fact that governmental employees do not have to work during Christmas pisses me off so much!
- Sunday is a day many governmental employees have off, because it is seen as a day of rest. However, Christianity's influence on this view of Sunday is blatantly obviously. By honoring Sunday as some special day of the week, our government shows the world that we're the religious nutcases they see us as, and it pisses them off that such a blatant theocracy is the most powerful nation in the world!
There are many other acts of government raping the separation between church and state, but much more research (and funding) is required. However, it's already clear that if we are serious about maintaining the separation between church and state, then we must demand more besides removing "In God We Trust" from money. The fact that we don't pisses me off so much!