My Comparison of Two Popular Desktop-Enhancements
Published on December 14, 2003 By messybuu In OS Customization
As many of you already know, is a site owned by Stardock, a company that makes a product called DesktopX, which is a program for costumizing the desktop with objects. Its closest competition, Konfabulator, does pretty much the same thing, except that it's for the Mac. They're actually not in competition since they're for different operating systems, but I thought it might be interesting to compare the two head-to-head.

Ease of Use
For somebody who just wants to place clocks and calendars and other objects on the desktop, Konfabulator is definitely much easier to use. It's easier to load, delete, and configure the widgets, since the widgets are all kept individually packaged. On DesktopX, there are many components to widgets, and it could be a pain finding the object to configure that will keep its other parts in check. For example, I wanted to change the drive on which a meter monitors, but I couldn't find it just by clicking on the text itself. I had to go into the List Objects dialog and find it on my own. On Konfabulator, I'd just have to go to the options of the widget and the option to change drives would be right there. Also, when not connected to an Internet, an Internet widget in Konfabulator will simply close, while DesktopX will produce a dialog mentioning script errors, which will just be confusing to people who aren't in tune with it.

Although Konfabulator is easier for the individual user who'll use widgets as they are, it's much easier to tweak objects to one's liking in DesktopX. The tools needed to configure a DesktopX object are right in DesktopX, and one can do many things to objects without knowing much about the program. I haven't read anything on how to make Konfabulator widgets, but the fact that one can't customize widgets right in Konfabulator does make it a hassle when I want to change how a component looks, feels, or acts.

I think it's clear that DesktopX has many more features than Konfabulator. It has security features, IconX, and themes. Konfabulator is just made for desktop objects, and one can't save one's setting into themes for different moods. In fact, if we were to compare the products on all aspects besides just desktop objects, DesktopX would be a clear winner, but I want to focus on comparing just that aspect of it to Konfabulator's.

Objects and Widgets
This category really isn't about the actual programs as it is about the objects available for the program. Although there are many more objects available for DesktopX, I've found a bigger variety of objects for Konfabulator. Most of the objects available for DesktopX have the same functions as many of the other objects, but with Konfabulator, I've found many that are unique and not just one that's a different looking clock. There's also many more games made with Konfabulator then made with DesktopX. I'm still waiting to see more objects in DesktopX take advantage of its features.

Final Verdict
Although both are great programs and comparing the two might be like comparing apples and oranges, I do think that I prefer Konfabulator at the moment. Besides having a better variety in widgets, it's easier to mess with in a casual way. I also don't see my desktop often in Windows XP, since I tend to keep windows maximized. Still though, if I'm ever in the mood to create my own objects, I'll definitely stick to DesktopX.

In summary, Konfabulator's easier for those who want meters, clocks, games, etc. on their screen and keep the look of their system rather conservative (i.e. sticking with Aqua), but DesktopX is better if you want it to fit your look down to the last pixel and are willing to take a bit more time to learn how.
on Dec 14, 2003
Hi Messy Buu. I have to disagree with many of your points. Your review strikes me as that of a Konfabulator user who has only recently started using DesktopX.

Much of your review boils down not as a DesktopX vs. Konfabulator comparison but a DesktopX objects that you've tried vs. Konfabulator objects you've tried. Arlo's widgets (and derivatives of them) tend to be much more polished than DesktopX's. Your Internet example being a good one - DesktopX objects don't have to bring up that error, it's just that most object makers don't bother to do the check for internet call (Stardock included). But it's not a limitation of DesktopX.

Ease of use? Try MAKING a widget with Konfabulator. It's all Javascript and text files. With DesktopX, you can do it all in a friendly GUI. DesktopX object makers don't tend to put in friendly interfaces for changing drives but that has nothing to do with DesktopX, that has to do with the object maker. Konfabulator doesn't provide the features you describe, the widget authors do. Consider the weather object, for instance, DX weather objects typically let you click on the city and change it. Is that DesktopX? No, it's the object maker adding support. Similarly, the object maker could/should support changing the drive too on something but they often don't. But on DesktopX, an end user can make dramatic changes very easy. Don't like the color of something? No problem, right click, go to properties and change the color. Want to put a shadow underneath something? Just a few clicks away.

Objects and Widgets: There are more games for DesktopX than Konfabulator. Pac-Man, Tetris, Soccer, Stack n Sack, and others. There are also a ton more kinds of objects for DesktopX. On Konfabualtor, you have basically a dozen different widgets, mostly derivatives of ones made by Arlo and co. Try putting a web page in a Konfabulator widget.

There are several times more DesktopX objects than Konfabulator.

Here is what Konfabulator has an advatnage in: Arlo's widgets, and hence the derivatives of his objects, are much much more polished than the DesktopX objects. From a pure technology point of view, DesktopX is far beyond Konfabulator. There is absolutely nothing Konfabulator can do that DesktopX can't do. It's just that PC skin authors don't tend to put in the time and effort into those nice little touches (Such as having a settings button to change the drive or mode of something). That's largely Stardock's fault, ultimately, for not providing better default objects that are more user friendly.

But I can't see how you can say Konfabulator has better games. There are two Tetris DesktopX objects, both of which are much better than the Konfabulator one. DesktopX can also encapsulate Flash .swf files so anything you can do in Flash can also become a DesktopX object.

Konfabulator doesn't support animation (not anything like what DesktopX can do anyway). You won't see 30fps animated fish in Konfabulator any time soon.

But ultimately, in your review, you could sum it up as saying that Konfabulator's widgets tend to be more polished than DesktopX objects. I tend to think that is more an issue of PC users and Mac users. Remember Kaleidoscope? Kaleidoscope skins were always (IMO) more polished looking than the typical WindowBlinds skin even though WindowBlinds has much more features for doing nice effects (such as alpha blending).
on Dec 14, 2003
Did somebody say polished widgets?

Good article Messy Buu. One point I totally agree with is that I don't often look at my desktop either. I keep all my windows maximized unless I'm working on something that requires more than one window.

This is exactly the reason I'm making Lucy which I log my work on in my blog.

I made a special build of it just for you to take a look at. I mostly just set it up to act more like it will when it's finnished, but I also stripped out a bunch of the unfinnished pieces. Realize that it's far from being done, but if you want to get an idea of what DesktopX can do...

1. Load this Pre Alpha Build of Lucy In The Evening With Diamonds
2. You'll see the launch config window. You can set the "Panel Delay" to whatever you want (which will make sense in a minute)
2. Maximize a window on your screen.
3. Move your mouse to the top-center area of your screen and hover it there for 1.5 seconds (or whatever you set the panel delay to be)
4. Move the mouse to top left edge of the screen and hover it there as well.
5. You can then close those windows by pressing the red X button on their windows.
6. You'll notice that every time they come out onto the screen they remember the position you left them at.

Let me know what you think either here, or in response to Lucy Log #6.
on Dec 14, 2003
I should specify...pls don't run this if you arent running XP. I dont want to break anyone.
on Dec 14, 2003
konfabulator is being beta tested for XP, try reading the journal of, and sign up as a tester
on Dec 15, 2003
Thanks for clarifying some misconceptions I had about DesktopX. I especially like the fact how it could have Flash games as desktops. I guess we could agree that the Konfabulator objects tend to look more polished. It also seems harder to find matching objects, but I guess that's because there are just so many looks one can give the desktop, while there's just Aqua on the Mac.
I also tried out that DesktopX theme, and I think that's a great idea! The delay is definitely smart, since I don't want things to appear simply because I brush across an area on the desktop.
I guess Konfabulator and DesktopX will be competing soon.
on Dec 15, 2003
Yes. Konfabulator will be on the PC pretty soon and then people will get to deal with cross platform stuff.

For instance, many of those Konfabulator widgets won't work on the PC because they are designed for the Mac hardware.

Also, on the Mac, Konfabulator could make use of Quartz. To do something hte PC they are either goign to have to do what we did, and create DirectGUI OR they are goign to have to use layered windows for everything which can bog down the system.
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