I don't like him, but I dislike him least of all.
Published on May 15, 2004 By messybuu In Republican

What I enjoy about David Wong's Pointless Waste of Time (which contains vulgar content so beware!) is that Mr. Wong writes many of his articles in a style that is easy to read. That style, of course, is the list, which usually consists of fifty reasons why Lord of the Rings, the Matrix, or Eminem sucks. Not only is it easy to read though, but it's also much easier to write than an essay with transitions and paragraphs. And so, in light of those facts, I present to you...

10 Reasons I'm Voting for Bush and not Kerry

  1. Kerry's more indecisive on issues than Arnold Schwarznegger was during California's recall.
  2. Bush is the most reasonable candidate out of all the major candidates. Kerry, Nader, and any Libertarian candidate are that bad!
  3. I prefer a ex-crackhead in office to somebody that would sell their soul for power.
  4. Anybody but Kerry!
  5. John McCain and Al Gore, candidates for whom I'd vote, aren't in the election.
  6. Ross Perot and Hollywood Hogan, other preferable candidates, also aren't in the election.
  7. The Democrat Party has declined in quality over the last four years. This is evident in the fact that their best hope is in a shameless sycophant.
  8. I have more respect for somebody who'll do what they believe is right even in the face of large amounts of criticism more than somebody who'll sit on the fence because he's too afraid to lose alienate a potential voter.
  9. Kerry reminds me too much of Eddy from Ed, Edd, and Eddy, except while Eddy will do anything for cash, Kerry will do anything for power. He also isn't as entertaining.
  10. Screw Flanders!

What are your reasons for not voting for Kerry?

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 16, 2004

In this case, though, Bush is not just "a guy who believes in God." He's a guy who believes that God endorses his decisions.

Kerry possibly may also believe this, but to my knowledge, only Bush regularly acts on it.

on May 16, 2004
what--besides the very dubious generalization based on your experience with protest organizers--would lead a reasonable objective person to conclude that kerry has a "superiority complex over the masses"? (ive never heard of such a thing. given the history of the bush administration--specifically such things as the patriot act which commits the cardinal violation of conservative values by limiting rights compounded by the proposed marriage amendment--its going to be difficult for kerry to exercise more control

as far as people being too ignorant to do the right thing, considering george's somewhat spotty academic record, that he would be the last person to impose so many strict criteria on educators.

as far as flipflops go, explain why the tax cut that wasnt negotiable was negotiated, why bush said there would be a un vote prior to the invasion of iraq, why the global war on terrorism has been reduced to the war on terrorisim only in iraq and afghanistan. im willing to bet that hes goint to flop on rumsfeld in the very near future--truly a shame because rummy needs to be there to keep reminding the american people that pride goes before a fall
on May 16, 2004
on second reflection, i think i might be able to imagine the organizers of anti-abortion protests exhibiting an attitude of moral superiority
also george lincoln rockwell and david duke altho im not sure that a klan rally qualifies..
on May 16, 2004

You're a lot more likely to end up forced to read the Koran -- or some other religious doctrine -- if a religious zealot is elected.

It looks like you are trying to draw equivalence between Osama Bin Laden and George Bush. You think Bush’s religious belief is zealotry comparable to Al Qaida. That is a radical theory; do you believe that Bush Knew, or engineered 911?
on May 16, 2004
My top reason for voting for Bush...

1. I don't want to spend my days rocking back and forth in a mandrassa reading the Koran.

that's the funniest thing ive read all weekend (and im not being sarcastic or anything but sincerely entertained)

way cool anthony
on May 16, 2004
How so? It seemed to be utterly relevant to the Republican when Clinton was running; now that Clinton's no longer running, it's not relevant? How hypocritical. Apparently issues of character are only issues of character as long as Republicans want them to be, and thereafter, they're relevant.

You are presuming that just because "the Republicans" made this an issue with Clinton, that the Draginol ALSO made this an issue with Clinton. You are claiming that he is being hypocritical for actions he may not have even taken part in. Can you support that Draginol is being personally hypocritical?

Considering that Bush is actually quoted as saying that WMD *had* been found, it is indeed indecisive to later clarify by saying that weapons had not been found,

Saying something exists or doesn't exists isn't a matter of making a decision, it's a matter of being factually correct or incorrect. I don't have to make a decision to state that there's a computer monitor in front of me. If it's there, I'm correct. If it's not, I'm incorrect or lying, but it doesn't reflect my ability to simply make decisions.

This is an area in which Bush says one thing and does another. That is hardly decisive.

Again, that is not necessarily indicative of decision-making. It may be an issue of honesty and integrity, but not of decision-making ability. If you can demonstrate Bush pursuing a course of action then changing to a different course of action and then perhaps changing to another course of action, you MAY be able to establish some decision-making issues. Saying one thing and doing another is a poor argument for questioning his decisiveness.


on May 16, 2004

I'm not allowed to vote.

If I could vote, however, I sure as hell wouldn't vote for Kerry.

Just my 2 cent's worth.

on May 16, 2004
Why aren't you allowed to vote, Dharma?
on May 16, 2004
Why aren't you allowed to vote, Dharma?

Because I'm not a citizen. I still have British citizenship. If I were allowed to have dual citizenship I'd have taken the US exam before now...but her Maj. doesn't like her subjects double-dipping and would make me give up citizenship of the UK. Because Dave's still in the military we decided it would be best to wait until he retires for me to take US citizenship....however, I'm starting to think that I want to be a part of this democracy. I live here, I pay taxes here, therefore I'd like to at least feel like I have a say in what goes on. So, at some point in the next few months I'm probably going to pay the INS another exorbitant amount of dough and tell the British government to kiss my butt.
on May 16, 2004


Your assertion is that Bush is indecisionate. Yet virtually all your points have nothing to do with Bush being indecisionate. And what's worse, most of your (ahem) "points" are dated left-wing propaganda.

1) Bush being a crack-head or a heroine dealer or whatever you imagine has nothing to do with him being indecisionate or not. Also, I don't appreciate you calling me a "hypocrite". Please show me a single post where I made an issue of Clinton's alleged drug abuse. It seems to me that the Democrats are being the hypocrites -- they supported Clinton who was a drug user and flagrantly dodged the draft and yet suddenly these things are big deals to them. I challenge you to find a single post by me where I said Clinton was unqualified to be President becaue of either of those issues.

2) Your fantasy-scenario of Bush doing cocaine instead of showing up for national guard duty has nothing to do with being indecisionate or not.

3) Perhaps you should read the state of the union speech. I've written on this countless times elsewhere so I won't go over it again. Either way, it's not an example of Bush being indecisionate.

4) You made the assertion that Bush didn't value the constitution and your basis for that assertion was that Bush doesn't let protesters get "close enough" to the thing they're protesting. That's a pretty weak argument. If you and your liberal friends find that a compelling argument, please, by all means, repeat it loudly over and over.

5) You're about as "independent" as Rush Limbaugh is. Spare us claims to the contrary.

If you want to make a list of "Reasons I think Bush is a bad bad man" go right ahead. But you have a long way to go to make an even mild case that Bush is indecisionate.

Democrats are much better off with the argument that Bush is SO decisive that he doesn't adjust for changing circumstances. I think that would have a lot more traction.

And no, I don't think Bush being religious is a big deal. In fact, the louder Kerry and his supporters make an issue out of that, the more they damage themselves. This may come as a shock but MOST Americans, particularly the ones who vote, are religious to a greater degree than most people on political forums realize.

on May 16, 2004
Ah, I see.... So you're a Brit living in the US! Don't know why, but I actually thought it was the other way around... Well then I certainly see your point.
on May 16, 2004
I don't understand why Bush's religious beliefs bother people so much. If he fights to turn the U.S. into a Christian theocracy, then maybe they'll start to bother me. Sure, he'll fight for certain things because of his own religious beliefs, but is that any worse than fighting for something for any other reason? I guess I can't take all the fear of Christianity seriously anymore than I can take the far religious right's fear of America being the most immoral and evil place on Earth.
on May 16, 2004
Top ten reasons to vote for Kerry

10. It is inevitable that the Taliban will come to rule America. Voting for Kerry will help speed America's tradition from a fascist republic of Bush to a blissful Islamic utopia.
9. Kerry will help convince unborn youth across the nation that not only is it okay if they choose to be born gay, it's very admirable if they choose not to be born at all.
8. Tax cuts for hippies. Hippies don't deserve to have to pay taxes, because they are so infinitely more peaceful and beneficial to the world. Only numbskulls like Draginol should pay taxes, and they should also have to work as slave laborers in prisons so that criminals don't have to suffer.
7. Kerry speaks French, which is the language of the enlightened european humanists, while English is the language of American trailor trash.
6. Kerry will ensure that Wiccans get equal representation in the boy scouts.
5. Americans need to learn how to be better aristocrats and intellectuals. The lower classes must cease to be lower class, and learn to enjoy fine wine and expensive European art. Kerry can teach them.
4. Kerry will allow worthless white southerners to be desexed and exterminated for science so that Canadians and upstanding New Englanders can find cures to all that ails them.
3. Kerry will bring peace and love to earth, and make sure that every child has access to all the marijuana they need so that they can get high and bomb corporations, and so that they can plant daisies and make free love on Sundays.
2. So that America can be freed from the clutches of the wicked, conservative pope.
1. Because conservatives don't know how to live their own lives, and liberals have to tell them to listen to NPR and reject morality and tradition in favor of sexual humanism.
on May 16, 2004
And, I'm voting for Kerry!

Ain't America Grand?

on Aug 03, 2004
I live in Massachusetts and I am voting for Bush. I know my vote does not really matter since Mass will almost certainly go for Kerry but I can make it that much closer. Here are my ten reasons to help Bush win:

10. It will piss Rosy O’Donnell off.
9. It will piss Bin Laden off.
8. It will piss all remaining Taliban off.
7. It will piss Saddam Hussein off.
6. It will piss Ted Kennedy off.
5. It will piss Al Franken off.
4. It will piss Al Gore off.
3. It will piss Bill Clinton off.
2. It will piss Hillary Clinton off.
1. It will piss Michael Moore off.
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