I'll be happy in the middle.
Published on April 17, 2004 By messybuu In Life Journals
If you ask most poor people who blame society for the fact that they can't afford the home entertainment system they've been coveting with the income they receive from their welfare checks, they'll tell you that the rich live comfortably and luxurious without having to lift a finger. However, since the only rich people they see are the ones from their favorite soap operas, one can't take them seriously. I, however, personally know at least two rich individuals and the example they set for me lead me to decide that I do not want to be rich. I've known them to work much more than forty hours a week. I think they've even worked fourteen-hour days! Now, I want to be rich, but I can't ever see myself working that hard. As long as I'd be able to afford to indulge in most of my desires, I'd be happy with a five-figure income. After all, as poor people often say but never actually believe, there's more to life than money, and one can live comfortably and happily without being ridiculously rich.
on Apr 17, 2004
Free time is worth a lot more than money.

Of course having money tends to really enhance one's free time.

I think that it would be really great to be a prince. That way, you get both the money and the free time. Of course, prince jobs are really hard to come by.


I work as a teacher. As a teacher, I see summer vacation as being worth a lot more money than I could make at any job. I look forward to spending time with my family and doing my own thing. That does a lot to make up for the stresses that arise over the course of the school year.

My colleagues who work at the middle- and high- school levels definitely deserve the nice long break to refuel.
on Apr 17, 2004
Every "comfortable" person I've met, and I know a few, have busted ass to get where they are. Every single one is the nicest, most generous, normal person. They just have incredible focus. Most don't. They are also notoriously optomistic.