Published on April 8, 2006 By messybuu In Macintosh

As I waited for Amazon to finally ship my MacBook Pro, I got addicted to Apple blogs. Well, it seems that some people still have the insane idea that Apple should do what IBM did with the PC and allow Mac clones to be made.

Although they do sell software, Apple is mainly a hardware company. That's why they are called Apple Computer, not Apple Software. Would Mac clones help Apple sell more Macs? Did IBM clones help IBM sell more IBM PCs? Where is IBM now in the PC market? 1st? 2nd? 3rd? How will cheaper third-party Macs help Apple sell their own Macs?

on Apr 08, 2006

Wrong Sherlock.  What hardware does Apple make?  Anybody?  Anyone?

Answer: NONE

They are not IBM, they are MICROSOFT.  And MS figured out how to do a 20-1 advantage 10 years ago.

If Apple is going to be more than a nitch company, they better understand they dont do hardware.  Never have, never will.

They do Software!  And they do it very well.

on Apr 09, 2006

They do Software! And they do it very well.

Anyone could do such software equally well....considering the limitations/restrictions placed upon the hardware by the company that makes the software....



on Apr 09, 2006
Apple is hardware just as Dell is. Neither company makes the hardware in their boxes, just the boxes themselves.

Apple is like a Dell and a Microsoft in one, for better or worse.

on Apr 09, 2006
Apple is like a Dell and a Microsoft in one, for better or worse.

I heard recently that Dell has about 66 patents total. Yes, they are really a marketing company. But Apple is not dell. Apple makes a great OS. Once they realize that, they will become a viable alternative to MS.
on Apr 09, 2006

According to that, it's way more than 66.

Apple has a lot of ways to become more popular. They could release their OS for use on non-Apple computers. They could release their other software to work on other OS's. But that's not the way Apple operates.

I guess I should have said Apple wants to be a Dell and a Microsoft in one.

If Apple released OSX for any ol' computer. They'd have to add support for all sorts of hardware, and it would become 'bloated' as some people claim it is.