Is it time to take gaming to the next level?
Published on February 7, 2004 By messybuu In PC Gaming
I'm bored. I no longer yearn to save Hyrule from Ganondorf nor do I long to defeat the aliens on HALO. I yawn at the idea of becoming the greatest skater in the cul-de-sac and I have no interest in saving the Mushroom Kingdom from Mother Brain. The idea of heroism, even in its most antiheroic variant, has become a tiresome cliché. Even embracing the side of villainy has been overdone past its expiration date. That is why I think the gaming industry should abandon its stigma toward adult gaming.
Although the concept of adult gaming is based on the oldest desires of humankind, many would find it to be a breath of relief from the melodramatic and overdone plots in games of today. After all, does anybody really care if they've defeated Dr. Wiley for the ninth time? Banging as many women as you possibly can never gets boring though! Since more people can also associate with a protagonist trying to score than they can with a protagonist trying to save the Triforce from Kefka, people would be able to enjoy gaming on a much deeper level.
Some might argue that adult games are inferior to non-adult games, but that's only because adult games are currently made by a small group of amateurish game designers with sexual fetishes that are far too disturbing for society. Besides, not all adult games are bad. True Love was a wonderful game. It taught me much more about life than Super Mario Sunshine ever has. In fact, one can argue that the ratio of good adult games to bad adult games is the same as that of mainstream games. It's not as if many mainstream games aren't "total crap."
I really think it's time for the Sony Playstation 2 and Microsoft Xbox to embrace adult gaming. If the Superbowl proved anything, it's that people are ready for entertainment a little more raunchy.
on Feb 12, 2004
Well, it's not sex, but there have been strong rumors that Leisure Suit Larry may be coming back (please do not ask who he is, I have this myth that I am not that old). Also for the PS2 is WWX: Rumble Rose. Sort of the WWE but only with women .

As for mass market adult games, it won't happen soon, not with the uproar over Janet and the Vice City game ratings problems.

The "Sims" may go that way, virtual yes, but still....


on Feb 13, 2004
I like games that are fun, and I like games that have a plot. I play various games with and E, T and M rating. Adult games would just be as plotless as porn flicks. No porno games please.
on Feb 13, 2004
I don't see how plotless games that are AO would be any worse than plotless games with E, T, and M ratings. Most people don't play RTCW, Soul Caliber II, sports games, racing games, FPS games, etc. for the plot.
on Feb 14, 2004
Some people play Soul Caliber II for the "well rounded" characters.

on Feb 14, 2004
Soul Calibur II has a great story line if you haven't noticed, Messy Buu. AO games are just something for lonely perverts to jerk off to.