My Most Controversial Words Ever
Published on February 9, 2005 By messybuu In Current Events

Here's a fake conversation I had with a single pregnant woman:

Her: "I hate Bush! Because of him, I won't be able to get the welfare I need to support the child I'm about to have and the father's in prison for life, so he can't support me."
Me: "Why are you having the child if you can't afford him?"
Her: "It wasn't my choice. I used birth control, but I still got pregnant."
Me: "So? You could still have an abortion. Then you wouldn't have a child you can't afford."
Her: "That won't work."
Me: "Why not?"
Her: "It just won't. Stop being sexist!"
Me: "So, you know you can't afford the child you're about to have, and you know that you can abort him, but you're still going to have a child, even though you won't be able to support it? Even if you couldn't afford the abortion, you could still give him for adoption. There are many opportunities for you to avoid being a poor single mother."
Her: "No there aren't. I can't abort him, and I can't give him up for adoption either."
Me: "Why not?"
Her: "I just can't."
Me: "If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you want to be on welfare with a child you can't afford."
Her: "Shut up! I'm a victim! A VICTIM!"

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