Jesus Land Bleeds into Blue States
Published on December 7, 2004 By messybuu In Politics

Pardon the beating of the dead horse, but I have to clarify something. Apparently, some people, who call themselves the Enlightened Ones, believe that George W. Bush won the election because he opposed gay marriage. The Enlightened Ones even claim that Democrats support the right of homosexuals to marry! Well, I'm here to reveal to the Enlightened Ones something they should have known before...

Democrats don't like gay marriage either! Don't believe me? Believe that the states that banned gay marriage were all conservative states? Well, they weren't! In fact, California had a controversial proposition in 2000 on the ballot that essentially ban gay marriage. Not only did it pass, but it passed with a significant majority!

If Democrats support the right of homosexuals to marry, and if California is enlightened because of its Democrat majority, which always votes for the Democrat candidate, then why did it ban gay marriage? Did George W. Bush use the army to prevent Democrats from voting and then use his connections with conservative news outlets such as FOX News and IndyMedia to prevent the nation from knowing of the oppression? Were Democrats too high that day to vote? What was it, Enlightened Ones? Why didn't Democrats, who supposedly support gay marriage, unite with the Republicans to bar homosexuals from marriage?

Jesus Land is much bigger than we thought, eh?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 08, 2004

california is one of the states in which the largest and best-funded dominionist organizations are headquartered as well as being home to large numbers of their members--including Trinity Broad­casting Network, robert schuler's crystal cathedral, sheldon's traditional values coalition, christian anti-defamation league, chalcedon foundation, campaign for california families and my personal favorite, the national association for research and therapy of homosexuality.

I disagree.  I think it is simpler than that, and not as black hat.  The real reason is that most of California (The northern Coast excepted) is more conservative, but on the wedge issues, they vote Democrat for representation.  After all, they were the ones to slam the door on property taxes first.  In many ways California is as conservative as say Florida.  So they would vote for the most part for conservative issues.  Just not on a state or national level for Politicians.

I lived half my life in California, and it is still the second home for me.  But I usually stay south of LA (I did live in SF for 2 years), so I dont see the loonies in SF and Berkley.

on Dec 08, 2004

Reply #16 By: Dr. Guy - 12/8/2004 9:46:54 AM
But I usually stay south of LA (I did live in SF for 2 years), so I dont see the loonies in SF and Berkley.

Good thing too. Ain't nothing good ever come out of the bay area. (Lived in the San Diego area for almost 20 years. I finally got to go home a year ago.)
Although I will say that I miss it sometimes.
on Dec 08, 2004

Hey *messybuu* if democrats hate gay marriages also, then *why* was San Francisco the first one in line to perform a gay marriage?

California's MUCH bigger than just San Francisco.

on Dec 08, 2004

California's MUCH bigger than just San Francisco.

Tell that to the people by the bay!

on Dec 08, 2004

Tell that to the people by the bay!

I think the voters for the marriage ban did exactly that, actually

on Dec 08, 2004

Reply #19 By: Dr. Guy - 12/8/2004 2:57:24 PM
California's MUCH bigger than just San Francisco.

Tell that to the people by the bay!

Yeah REALLY! According to the bay people *they* are kalifornia! And BTW Gideon, you missed something real important. SF is almost pure democrat, with very few republicans in sight.
on Dec 08, 2004

I think the voters for the marriage ban did exactly that, actually

And that is why SF defied the ban!  They figured they were exempt as they were enlightened!

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